Cleaning Coil Units


ex vaper
I want to share my experience with EVOD coils after a couple of month's usage - this would probably apply equally to all bottom-type coil units in ProTanks, iClears, etc.

After a month of vaping on my first EVOD and a noticeable decrease in performance compared to my new mPT2, I eagerly replaced it and took it to bits to confirm what I'd seen on-line. The wick appeared burnt, but the coil itself didn't look as if it had deteriorated at all. Having not yet bought any wire or wick, I put it away for a future rebuild.

When it next happened I thought I'd try cleaning them first before putting them in the rebuild bin. I did this by first soaking them in a cup of boiling water from the kettle, then flushed them under running water before letting them dry on some paper towel. I then soaked them in Vodka for a week - I actually forget about them, found that the Vodka had evaporated, re-filled them, and forgot about them again! The little silicone rubber holders that they come in with ProTanks are very useful for this, as you use very little Vodka.

I then flushed them with Vodka by screwing them into a base and squirting the Vodka into the bottom of the coil with a syringe over the bottle cap, sucking it up again out of the cap with the syringe, and repeating. After a couple of rinses I noticed that the Vodka was still clean, and downed it to confirm this - no taste.

This resulted in both of them appearing as-new, and the one I have tested since works as it first did. Perhaps a good cleaning like this will extend the life of the unit for quite some time before either the coil or wick needs replacement.
Thanks @360twin

The Vodka bathing has been suggested before, initially by @CraftyZA - but thanks for re-iterating that this method works. Yes, the coils do last much longer with proper cleaning. As for the vodka evaporating, I use little beakers (made of glass) with proper stoppers at the top. I bought them from Mr Price for like R15 or R20 ea - cant remember.
thanks for the advice @360twin , but this got me wondering:

''...and downed it to confirm this - no taste.''

You right there @Riaz, I was also wondering the same thing...

dry burning the coils also helps getting rid of the gunk build up
I remove the wick, rinse in warm tap water. Blow out the excess water and pop back in the base. Set the batt to 3.3v and then pulse it till it glows uniformly orange and rinse again. Re-wick and it is as good as new.

I have found that on the Protanks and Evods gurgling is caused by liquid getting past the opening where the wick comes out of the side of the coil housing. Replacing the wick fixes the gurgling. It must not be airtight else it will draw the juice too slowly and you get that burnt taste even on low volts (I know because I put in a double flavour wick - I guess it also limits the air that can be drawn into the chamber)

I tried cotton and cutting the rubber grommet as per @CVS and @BhavZ but it did not work for me. With cotton it seems to develop a funky taste pretty quickly and cutting the grommet quickens the onset of gurgling.
I got the same funny taste with cotton , ill stick with silica
dry burning the coils also helps getting rid of the gunk build up

I have seen this mentioned, but wondered exactly how it should be done. I assumed that all of the wick should be removed before doing this or they may burn, but perhaps that's not correct? I don't know what the standard wicks are made from, but I have some Silica wick for future use.

Edit: I have just read @RezaD 's post above again, so I guess that answers my question :oops:
Since ive gotten my evod tanks almost a year ago ive used about 5 coils , i wash and dry burn them every second day and when the flavour wick is burnt i just replace with 1mm silica