Cloud Burst Concentrates

anceX4Marcelle Brand

New Vaper
Cape Town
Hi Guys

I am a new DIY'er, not my first time mixing but definitely still a noob and bought some Cloud burst concentrates to play around with but struggling with muted flavours. Last night I mixed a 10ml mango (single flavour) sample to try and work out at what % I should use the concentrates but I got a muted flavour on 3,5 and 8% also bumped it up till I reached 15% with basically no diff in flavour. Is their someone that have experience with these concentrates that can give me a guide line or am I doing something wrong.
Hi Guys

I am a new DIY'er, not my first time mixing but definitely still a noob and bought some Cloud burst concentrates to play around with but struggling with muted flavours. Last night I mixed a 10ml mango (single flavour) sample to try and work out at what % I should use the concentrates but I got a muted flavour on 3,5 and 8% also bumped it up till I reached 15% with basically no diff in flavour. Is their someone that have experience with these concentrates that can give me a guide line or am I doing something wrong.
I agree with @Raindance on calling the pros, but in the mean time:

Did you only try the mango and also how old are these concentrates?
I have found that some concentrates are less potent than others.

As far as recommended %, I normally just google something like this "Cap sweet lychee recommended % for single flavor", I then look at a few different posts and get a average to start off with and change it as I feel from there.
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As far as recommended %, I normally just google something like this "Cap sweet lychee recommended % for single flavor",

An easier way is to go to and click on the Flavors menu at the top of the screen:


Type the flavour you want in the search bar that pops up and it will show you the flavour, along with its average mixing percentage in recipes:


Of course, that is its avg % in recipes, not solo. But from there, it's easy to deduce a single flavour %. For Cap Sweet Lychee at 3.21% avg, I would test at 5-6% solo.
Just tagging @Vape Hyper since they are the guys involved with CB concentrates. They might comment on if allowed.

Have moved this to the Vape Hyper subforum so they can discuss their products freely
The ATF flavour search function also allows you to make a quick comparison if you are planning to sub a flavour. Let's say a recipe calls for PUR Sweet Strawberry and you only have Cap Sweet Strawberry but you want to try the recipe anyway. Is PUR stronger or weaker than Cap? Should you go 1:1 with the sub, raise Cap, lower Cap? If you enter the generic name "sweet strawberry" in the search bar, it lists all the flavours that have that name. Thus:

From this, we see that PUR Sweet Strawberry and Cap Sweet Strawberry are used at almost the same percentage avg in recipes. So a straight 1:1 sub should be in the ballpark. However, if I was subbing with JF Strawberry Sweet, I'd sub with the JF at about 2/3 of the PUR as its avg % is quite a bit lower than PUR. It's not guaranteed to work but at least it's a start, and better than hitting and hoping without any reference.

Unfortunately the averages can be thrown out by clueless mixers posting their 10% FA Tiramisu, 5% Inw Waffle, 3% Flv Rich Cinnamon "banger". Contests can also throw the averages out. I noticed a spate of recipes recently all using TFA Papaya at a ridiculous 7%. I wondered why so many mixers were going insane, then I discovered that some DIY group in Aus had run a contest where entrants had to use Papaya at 7% in their recipe. But hopefully these are rare instances which don't affect the averages too much.
Thx guys for all the info much appreciated, I have also got into contact with Zubair Valley directly regarding the CB concentrates and he was very helpful in regards with what % to use. I will try again over the weekend and report back next week.
Sorry, cant add much value here - only tried one or two of these a very long time ago - cant comment much further other than to experiment as suggested above.

Just one note perhaps which was not covered above is to remember steep the samples. certain Mangos only fully develop after 5 days or so. So give it 3 to 5 days and try again.