Coil Building - To Space or Not


Elite Vaper
Have been watching this with interest on other Public Vape Forums and there appears to be a hung jury.

Interested to see what the sentiment is on here:

Spaced or compressed coil/coils when building on a RTA for best flavor

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I prefer compressed, not spaced... that is how I wrap for my MTL's (round wire) and (R)DL's (flat wire) and at a max of 50w on the DL's, it works perfect for me. Going higher up on the power and more airflow scale I can imagine spacing it would work better, but that is not for me.
I do both and dependent on what wire and what tank. As a rule of thumb the thicker the wire the easier I find to space to cover airflow holes whilst getting the ohms I want. Thinner wire I use parallel and contact ... no spacing.

Claptons I will usually contact and not space .

Where I do play is the twisted, thicker wire is better for me contact and the thinner twisted I often need to space.

I did do a thread or two whereby I said I got just as much or better flavour from a single wire build than an exotic. Too many variables for a definitive answer.

No look what you made me do, I had to use big words there. ... Muppet.

I do both and dependent on what wire and what tank. As a rule of thumb the thicker the wire the easier I find to space to cover airflow holes whilst getting the ohms I want. Thinner wire I use parallel and contact ... no spacing.

Claptons I will usually contact and not space .

Where I do play is the twisted, thicker wire is better for me contact and the thinner twisted I often need to space.

I did do a thread or two whereby I said I got just as much or better flavour from a single wire build than an exotic. Too many variables for a definitive answer.

No look what you made me do, I had to use big words there. ... Muppet.

View attachment 236784
Great response...those big words....EISH

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Can't really give an informed comment as I've never spaced a coil in all my time vaping. I prefer the sturdiness of a contact coil. Plus it looks prettier in my opinion :p
It depends. If there's space to space them I space them. Some tanks, like the Wasp, have wide airflows and therefore they do better with wider coils. So for those I will space them.

MTL seldom gets spaced. They normally have smaller airflows onto the coil. So they get compacted to get as much coil in the way of the airflow.