The creators of Old Fashioned Elixir have watched the vape industry evolve dramatically in just a few short years. The industry has grown from small vape pens and cigalikes to the development of sophisticated mods and the complex e-liquids that grace the shelves of today’s vape shop. We recognize that crafting the perfect e-liquid is an art form, and we’re honored to share our passion with so many of you.
Old Fashioned Elixir began in 2014 with a simple mission: to develop the very best tobacco flavored e-liquid on the market, driven by the creator’s desire to help smokers transition to vaping. Knowing that the first step of a smoker moving to vaping is often a tobacco flavored liquid, the flavors of what now makes up Tobacco Lane were painstakingly crafted to provide the familiar comfort of some of the most popular cigarette brands around.