Being the stingy bastard that I am I have been coveting my Rayon and only using it in my Reo builds. Forward eight months after a haetus from the vaping world I was skeptical of everything new. Enter uncle @Rob Fisher with his wildly ego and nerlevelous thoughts on all things new (it's a complement I promise). So as small as a change in wicking material may sound, I need to eat some humble pie....
Wicked my usual Reo build with the strippy stuff and it's a revelation. Yes it comes at a premium but like most things premium you want the best experience and I can whole fully say I am a convert and recommend any newbie to try CBV2 it will enhance your vaping experience.
Wicked my usual Reo build with the strippy stuff and it's a revelation. Yes it comes at a premium but like most things premium you want the best experience and I can whole fully say I am a convert and recommend any newbie to try CBV2 it will enhance your vaping experience.