So a few months ago i went to a friends party at Nicci Beach. I was waiting in line at the bar and having a few vapes when 2 girls came up to me. They asked to try my vape, i said sure. After 10 minutes of talking i saw the juice levels were getting low and i had none left on me to refill. I warned them and they still carried on. They managed to vape on dry wicks for a pulls each. I tried taking it back because i didnt want them to get put off vaping. HaHa( I have limiltless rdta so keep in mind the coils are a little close to the mouth when vaping) So the one girl wanted one more pull before they went. I dont know how she did it but i sh*t you not, she pulled on a dry wick and got a fire to pop out chimney. I couldnt believe my eyes, i dont know how either of them managed to vape the dry wicks.
Please share your crazy vape stories if you have any!
Please share your crazy vape stories if you have any!