Cthulhu V2 - honest opinions


Experienced Vaper
Pretoria, South Africa
Hi Everybody

just popping in to rely on your opinions and expertise.

as the header states, I'm looking at the Cthulhu V2 as my next RTA.
i have a TFV4 now with both sections and i do enjoy it, but the deck is finicky and wicking is a trick on its own. ive had it for 3 months and i have done countless builds on it either dual or single with a 6 to 7 out of 10 success rate. do i like it? yes. do i sometimes wanna teach it to fly? oh yes. but to be honest, i enjoy a real rta far more. i had a kayfun v4 and an epoch d1 and the flavour of those are stellar. and the removable coil idea of the tfv4, it pains me.

I have read alot about the Cthulhu v2 and i love what i see. velocity deck, subtank rba deck, top fill. no juice loss. i like. so im hear to hear about your experiences with it so far?

SIDE NOTE: i am not asking for recommendations on other tanks, i know people will comment "get a bellus, or goblin, or goliath etc..." im not here for that.

FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE ONE OR USED ONE, cthulhu v2 is the topic.

Bearded Vaper
Hey @BeardedVaper93

Terrible idea in my opinion. To sum up my thoughts on it;
1.Poor Quality and Finishing.
2.Too many parts to deal with.
3.Said parts are finicky to deal with.
4.Juice flow control is useless.
5.I've had better taste with less effort on other tanks.
Hey @BeardedVaper93

Terrible idea in my opinion. To sum up my thoughts on it;
1.Poor Quality and Finishing.
2.Too many parts to deal with.
3.Said parts are finicky to deal with.
4.Juice flow control is useless.
5.I've had better taste with less effort on other tanks.

I'm going to disagree here. Disclaimer* my tank is the later batch in black where they fixed a lot of their QC issues.

1. Very good quality and threads are good etc.
2. Much less complicated than a Kayfun V4
3. Did not have any problems with the parts except the wick ring that just gets left out now and is sorta redundant anyway.
4. Juice flow control is great but you have to think of it as an on/off switch. Turn off for top filling or travelling, turn on for vaping.
5. Velocity deck is brilliant easiest build I've ever had including drippers AND flavour is plentiful..

I highly recommend getting the black version as they seemed to iron out all the manufacturing issues on that one.

I've had this tank up to 97watts while the vape was helluva hot it did not dry hit.

This tank can be a little tricky to figure out initially but once you have it it's easy to work with and has tons of features.
If you don't have strong fingers though I would steer you towards something a bit less cumbersome for example the top fill juice cap that houses your drip tip can be quite tough to unscrew as you don't get much leverage on which to grip.

Another potential issue is figuring out which part of the tank to loosen if the juice flow control becomes overly tight and you can't move it... just loosen the section that sits on top of flow control ring.

Honestly for me this tank has replaced all my drippers and tanks, its the only thing I use now.
I haven't seen any new tanks come out that could sway me away from the Cthulhu V2 it is a monster.

I do think that this tank is for vapers that like technical tweakable setups it isn't for the guy that just wants a Subtank Mini experience.