Digiflavor SOLO V1.5 RDA, featuring a single coil build deck, deep juice wells, and effective dual slotted airflow control system. Constructed from durable stainless steel, the Digiflavor Solo V1.5 RDA is a revamp of its predecessor. The build deck is expansive, adjusting coils is easier with more space, allowing for some creative coil configurations. With one terminal per post, the terminal is open, allowing for larger coil leads and easier snipping of the ends. With an adjustable airflow control ring, the Digiflavor SOLO V1.5 RDA delivers extreme flavor and vapor in a DTL fashion.
SITE LINK: https://www.downtownvapoury.co.za/collections/new/products/digiflavor-drop-solo-v1-5-22mm-bf-rda
SITE LINK: https://www.downtownvapoury.co.za/collections/new/products/digiflavor-drop-solo-v1-5-22mm-bf-rda