Do Mods Make All The Difference???


Roodepoort, Joburg
Hello guys,

I noticed something really peculiar last night, due to loadshedding my twisp vega mod was flat and unable to charge, I took my tank off the vega and put it on the dripbox 160 (dual 18650) and set the watts exactly the same (14w). first thing i noticed was a fairly large difference in the ohm reading... the coil and tank were the same tank (MD MTL RTA), I just swapped the mod.

Now on the vega mod, the ramp up time seems to be forever and the flavour goes from good to almost burnt very quick once its at temp, on the dripbox however, the flavour was way better, sweeter and overall a seemingly more enjoyable experience.

(could this be a mental thing since im holding a huge mod :blush::blush: #See consumer psychology -> vacuums make more noise than they should, lead inserts into remotes for more "hefty" feeling and implied "quality")

So, can two different mods at the same wattage make such a big difference in your vape experience? How can it be, once you break it down to ohms and watts?

Also, i can only imagine what HE gear must be like now, considering the amazing jump from an old mod, to an older (probably better made) mod.

So, I pass the mod to Ms. Munk3y and ask her to have a taste. She reckons it tasted better too! Now, on this note I think i have also improved my wicking technique quite a bit since a few weeks ago. (He says cleaning up his work desk after the tank just emptied its self thru the air control...:-@:rolleyes:)

Side note, the battery on the dripbox was on its last bar as well so it wasnt pumping much harder and considering its regulated, the output should be regulated as well right?

Can anyone share some insights to this? Has anyone experienced this?
@Puff the Magic Dragon @DarthBranMuffin @Grand Guru @Rivera @Intuthu Kagesi
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Pics for reference:
IMG_20220203_143807.jpg IMG_20220203_143841.jpg

Now I just tried again, firstly the ohm reading suggested by the coil maker said +/-0.75ohms so at least the dripbox is kinda on point there at least.
I also got a dry hit because I didn't top up after the tank dump fml :-D but before the dry hit I guess it seemed smoother?
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Hello guys,

I noticed something really peculiar last night, due to loadshedding my twisp vega mod was flat and unable to charge, I took my tank off the vega and put it on the dripbox 160 (dual 18650) and set the watts exactly the same (14w). first thing i noticed was a fairly large difference in the ohm reading... the coil and tank were the same tank (MD MTL RTA), I just swapped the mod.

Now on the vega mod, the ramp up time seems to be forever and the flavour goes from good to almost burnt very quick once its at temp, on the dripbox however, the flavour was way better, sweeter and overall a seemingly more enjoyable experience.

(could this be a mental thing since im holding a huge mod :blush::blush: #See consumer psychology -> vaccums make more noise than they should, lead inserts into remotes for more "hefty" feeling and implied "quality")

So, can two different mods at the same wattage make such a big difference in your vape experience? How can it be, once you break it down to ohms and watts?

Also, i can only imagine what HE gear must be like now, considering the amazing jump from an old mod, to an older (probably better made) mod.

Side note, the battery on the dripbox was on its last bar as well so it wasnt pumping much harder and considering its regulated, the output should be regulated as well right?

Can anyone share some insights to this? Has anyone experienced this?
@Puff the Magic Dragon @DarthBranMuffin @Grand Guru @Rivera

Hey Monk3y :)

I do feel mods can do this, but to me it's the mods and their electronics. Some will work better than others in general. But in saying that, for me personally I'm not keen to spend on a HE mod because I feel with what's on the market currently, I can get a perfectly good one for way less. At least one that is good enough to me :) Thing is, HE mods are not going to make a tank suddenly vape way better than a normal mod would, a tank's quality depends on how it is built and if it vapes bad on a normal mod, it will vape the exact same on a HE mod with no difference. With HE mods, you pay for the chip inside it, and the material used to make the mod. It will probably last a good amount of time sure, but if I were to vape one of my tanks on the mods I have now and then on a HE mod, there won't be a difference to notice as far as vape quality goes. I've had a couple in the past, no difference compared to a good normal mod.
I swear to the vape gods curse this damn Vega. Look at the ohms now after swapping back...
I think this is why I have trust issues :rolleyes:
The coil legs under the screws in the tank can sometimes make a mod's reading change. Have you tried checking to see if the screws are screwed down tight enough?
Pretty finger tight if i say so myself, dont wanna risk overtightening and stripping things or snapping legs
Pretty finger tight if i say so myself, dont wanna risk overtightening and stripping things or snapping legs

Yes we don't want that! Sorry to hear of this struggle, it's really frustrating :(

Is your Vega new? Maybe you could ask the vape shop you bought it from if it's a recent purchase?
Yes we don't want that! Sorry to hear of this struggle, it's really frustrating :(

Is your Vega new? Maybe you could ask the vape shop you bought it from if it's a recent purchase?
None of my vape gear is new... struggle is real :/ everything is about 5 years old besides the MD. Im slowly working my way to "new" stuff. Pulse 2 coming on tuesday... heres to hoping for tomorrow though!:rofl:
None of my vape gear is new... struggle is real :/ everything is about 5 years old besides the MD

I have a single 18650 mod you can have if you want it :) I did get it modified on the top (shaved down lol) to fit all sizes of tanks, but the mod itself works 100%!


Here is an interesting thread that can help or chuck you further down the rabbit hole.
I think at that resistance range, +/- 0.04 is acceptable. I'd be worried if the coil resistance less than 0.2 especially on a mech mod

Ty Darth! have u considered those recipes i sent u yet?;)
The issue is 0.77 reading (pretty close to charl's recommended outcome) vs 1.02, 0.96, 0.66 the vega is all over the place :facepalm:
And you should consider investing in a good quality helmet for your safety. We're all chise to be victims of gender based violence here :p
And you should consider investing in a good quality helmet for your safety. We're all chise to be victims of gender based violence here :p
Nothing to see here... move along...
These arent the vapes you are looking for:starwars-smiley:

I better start practicing my Jedi mind tricks now!
Hello guys,

I noticed something really peculiar last night, due to loadshedding my twisp vega mod was flat and unable to charge, I took my tank off the vega and put it on the dripbox 160 (dual 18650) and set the watts exactly the same (14w). first thing i noticed was a fairly large difference in the ohm reading... the coil and tank were the same tank (MD MTL RTA), I just swapped the mod.

Now on the vega mod, the ramp up time seems to be forever and the flavour goes from good to almost burnt very quick once its at temp, on the dripbox however, the flavour was way better, sweeter and overall a seemingly more enjoyable experience.

(could this be a mental thing since im holding a huge mod :blush::blush: #See consumer psychology -> vacuums make more noise than they should, lead inserts into remotes for more "hefty" feeling and implied "quality")

So, can two different mods at the same wattage make such a big difference in your vape experience? How can it be, once you break it down to ohms and watts?

Also, i can only imagine what HE gear must be like now, considering the amazing jump from an old mod, to an older (probably better made) mod.

So, I pass the mod to Ms. Munk3y and ask her to have a taste. She reckons it tasted better too! Now, on this note I think i have also improved my wicking technique quite a bit since a few weeks ago. (He says cleaning up his work desk after the tank just emptied its self thru the air control...:-@:rolleyes:)

Side note, the battery on the dripbox was on its last bar as well so it wasnt pumping much harder and considering its regulated, the output should be regulated as well right?

Can anyone share some insights to this? Has anyone experienced this?
@Puff the Magic Dragon @DarthBranMuffin @Grand Guru @Rivera @Intuthu Kagesi

Hey Mate,

I also had a vega i used a while ago, it's honestly not the most accurate of mods, the one i had used to have ohm jumps in the middle of a hit, quite an annoying issue, you way better off using the Dripbox, kangertech are reliable mods and never give hassles but besides all of that, i believe mods play a huge roll in how the RTA vapes, i have used the same SX mini SL class now for the last few years and i love the thing and prefer it to all my mods, and the major difference is the preheat system YiHi chipsets use, the ramp up time is ridiculously quick and the quality of the vape is amazing, i also don't think it's necessary to use HE mods but if you can get your hands on a mod with a Yihi/DNA or dicodes chipset it is certainly worth it but the chipset used in the new vandy vape, vaporesso and relatively new mods are honestly are very good. i'm sure you will be very happy with the pulse 2.

@Spunk3yMunk3y If you fear the wrath of the wifey i would take @Rivera up on that offer, Such an great gesture, We have quite an awesome community here
Ty Darth! have u considered those recipes i sent u yet?;)

They are printed and in the recipe folder... next time my 14 year old is up for making some muffins again I shall put her to work, always comes out better than mine... I have taught her well the young Padawan!
Hey Mate,

I also had a vega i used a while ago, it's honestly not the most accurate of mods, the one i had used to have ohm jumps in the middle of a hit, quite an annoying issue, you way better off using the Dripbox, kangertech are reliable mods and never give hassles but besides all of that, i believe mods play a huge roll in how the RTA vapes, i have used the same SX mini SL class now for the last few years and i love the thing and prefer it to all my mods, and the major difference is the preheat system YiHi chipsets use, the ramp up time is ridiculously quick and the quality of the vape is amazing, i also don't think it's necessary to use HE mods but if you can get your hands on a mod with a Yihi/DNA or dicodes chipset it is certainly worth it but the chipset used in the new vandy vape, vaporesso and relatively new mods are honestly are very good. i'm sure you will be very happy with the pulse 2.

@Spunk3yMunk3y If you fear the wrath of the wifey i would take @Rivera up on that offer, Such an great gesture, We have quite an awesome community here
Agree, Not only that but YiHi mods really are not expensive especially if you shop around!
So as it turns out, @CashKat88 took a look at the Vega and MD for me... The tank is shorting out like a Mofo, stopped working when I got home as well. The one post looks like it has "tempered" itself. The gunmetal coating has turned rainbow and the Vega is reporting "atomiser low". Time to strip and see what's going on. That's not good that it took being put on a DNA chip to figure out. Good job Twisp :-D