Item for Sale :- Dryad 18650 SX350
Selling Price :- R2,600
Condition :- 8/10
Age of the item :- No Idea because I bought it second hand
Clone or Authentic :- Authentic
Location of item :- Durban
Delivery/Collection :- Courier (Included in the price)
Reason for sale:- My display cabinet is full and I have some mods inbound so time to cull the herd.
Selling Price :- R2,600
Condition :- 8/10
Age of the item :- No Idea because I bought it second hand
Clone or Authentic :- Authentic
Location of item :- Durban
Delivery/Collection :- Courier (Included in the price)
Reason for sale:- My display cabinet is full and I have some mods inbound so time to cull the herd.