Hey Everybody
so a friend of mine is looking to start vaping and is hunting for a decent mod.
he smokes hubbly every day so now he is looking for something that can be a bit more portable. he has played around with the twisp and has found it to be very weak.
he wants a decent mod that can create similar clouds to the hubbly but doesn't want to jump straight into rebuildables yet.
ive suggested he gets the istick cause thats a good battery and he can move onto drippers without much hassle. Where im stuck is the tank.
is there a tank that uses an off the shelf coil that performs like a dripper? all i can think of is maybe getting a 1.5ohm coil for the nautilus mini ?
anyone knows if the kanger aerotank mini with the 0.8ohm coils will work in the istick and if maybe thats a better choice ?
so a friend of mine is looking to start vaping and is hunting for a decent mod.
he smokes hubbly every day so now he is looking for something that can be a bit more portable. he has played around with the twisp and has found it to be very weak.
he wants a decent mod that can create similar clouds to the hubbly but doesn't want to jump straight into rebuildables yet.
ive suggested he gets the istick cause thats a good battery and he can move onto drippers without much hassle. Where im stuck is the tank.
is there a tank that uses an off the shelf coil that performs like a dripper? all i can think of is maybe getting a 1.5ohm coil for the nautilus mini ?
anyone knows if the kanger aerotank mini with the 0.8ohm coils will work in the istick and if maybe thats a better choice ?