ECIGSSA Cape Town VapeMeet - Cloud Chasing Competition


somewhere in the clouds....

ECIGSSA Cape Town Vape Meet 2016 Cloud Chasing Competition
Lets see those clouds !!

We will be hosting a Cloud Chasing Competition at the ECIGSSA Cape Town Vape Meet on the 5th of November 2016 at Marimbas Restaurant (at the Cape Town International Convention Centre)

Please RSVP on the blue button below. (with a normal web browser - not Tapatalk)

The prizes for this event are superb and a big thank you to the vendors that will be there on the day that have contributed.

1st prize

From Vape Cartel:
  • 1x Tarot Pro 160W TC Mod
  • 1x 4Dudes Hamper (1 of each 70ml flavour and a 4Dudes Cap)
From Vapour Mountain:
  • R500 VM voucher

2nd prize

From Juicy Joes:
  • 1 x iStick 50W mod
  • 1 x serpent mini 22mm RTA
  • 1 x demon killer vape mat
From VooDoo Vapour:
  • 1 x 100ml of Pompous Pom juice (any flavour/strength) with Pompous Pom TShirt and cap

--- Rules ---

  • Contestants will compete in back to back combat through a process of elimination.
  • You may use any atty, mod and build that you want. (Please ensure you are using safe batteries) *** if you wish to enter with a tank atty then you will be requested to empty your tank and FILL it with the comp juice.
  • Each Contestant will be given an unflavoured High VG blend (90% VG and 10% PG) to compete with. You will be requested to fire your atty before starting your round in-front of the Judges.
  • Each contestant gets 1 attempt per round.
  • Judges will decide from the following:
    • Distance of cloud
    • Density of cloud
  • If they cannot decide they will ask you to try again
  • Please guys, don't give the judges a hard time (Respect the decision) as this will be a fun event and the judging can be very tricky.
  • We will be limiting RSVP entries on the list below to a total of 12 people. The RSVP list below is for yourself only. 1 entry per forum name only please. Additional slots may be made available for those who would like to register on the day.
  • Those who would like to enter on the day of the meet need to register with @shaunnadan before 12h00. No late entries will be allowed.
  • The cloud blowing competition will take place at 2pm on the day. Please be ready and on time.
Please save the date and RSVP on the blue button below.

Have Fun and Let's see some big clouds people!


[RSVP=30261]Click here to RSVP[/RSVP]

BobTheBuilder - 1
Cespian - 1
gman211991 - 1 - Im in
meeaad - 1
Michaelsa - 1
Mo P - 1
Smok-King79 - 1 - Really want to enter only saw it starts at 2
Tashreeq - 1
Yusuf Cape Vaper - 0
zeemo - 1

Total: 9
Last edited:
*Cue Rocky soundtrack!

@Yusuf Cape Vaper the Cloud Chasing Champion from VapeCon 2016 will be defending his title.... and this time he has home court advantage
Im in!

Guys that have entered, you might as well deregister. Im building an epic 5 wrap 24 gauge single coil in my regulated wraith :rolleyes:

#Clouds4life lol
Where do u wanna be today 20161105_121038.jpg

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
Congrats to Kyle for the win.
Honorable mention needs to be served for the 3rd place:
@Cespian twas an epic cloud that blew away your esteemed competition in the semi's, well done. :)

Thanks man!

Really didnt expect to get so far at all. All thanks to @BobTheBuilder coils. My first cloud comp, and probably the last lol. My flavour chasing lungs are paining now.

Was loads of fun though
A Massive thank you to @shaunnadan , the organizers and judges.
I still argue that you @Cespian beat me, definetely a judging cock up there.
But i'd love a rematch sometime ;)
The prizes were given to a needy cause, and she is off the stinkies now thanks to the second prize kit :D