Hi Ecigssa members, In this review i take a look at the Expromizer V4 MTL RTA from Exvape. The Exvape Expromizer V4 MTL RTA was supplied for the purpose of this review by Pearl from Cigabuy.

The Expromizer V4 MTL RTA is the fourth generation of the Expromizer RTA from the German manufacturer Exvape. Compared to V3 it is an extra 1mm in diameter while being shorter and has more of a modern aesthetic look which i much prefer. While keeping the same deck and now much more straightforward juice flow, version four actually simplifies the design having less small parts while introducing top to bottom airflow. I didn't review but did buy "Fire" version 3 and at that time it gave the most satisfactory MTL vape i had experienced, hopefully V4 will at least keep the same performance while adding a leak resistant airflow system making it a sure fire winner!
In The Box

1 x eXrpomizer V4
1 x O-ring kit
1 x screwdriver
2 x M2 replacement screws -
1 x spare glass tank (Pyrex)
1 x Drip Tip attachment (black)
1 x instruction manual

The Expromizer came in a cardboard box with cardboard sleeve. I received the Polished version which is extremely shiny with a slippy finish and wouldn't be my personal choice as both the Matte Black and Brushed versions look much nicer and will match up with many more devices. The RTA despite only having a 2ml capacity is quite large for a MTL RTA being 23mm in diameter but much taller than the average.
On the top airflow section we have a long narrow slot revealing a series of 6 airflow hole inlets and both the airflow control ring and top-cap has slight texturing but the surface is too slippy for it to help much with grip. The top surface of the top-cap is flat and then we have a protruding central section to accommodate the 2 piece 510 drip tip. The installed drip tip has a lower Stainless Steel section with Ultem tip but the tip can be switched for a Black Delrin one.
The bottom section has a pronounced central textured band that even with the Polished version does help with grip, this is for turning the base to adjust the juice flow control. I went for the Ultem look which i know isn't everyone's cup of tea but through the Ultem the juice control and "EX" etched on the chimney can still be seen but are much more visible with the Pyrex section installed instead. Moving to the base we have etched branding, safety marks and serial number, we have a Gold plated protruding 510.
The build quality is excellent and really can't fault the machining and threading i just wish it didn't come so tightly screwed together.

Expromizer V4 Specs and Features:
Type: Single Coil MTL RTA
Material: Stainless Steel
Material (Glass): Pyrex / Acyl
Material (Drip Tip): Stainless Steel + Black (POM) / Yellow (PEI)
Height (without Drip Tip): 43 mm
Height (with Drip Tip): 56 mm
Diameter: 23 mm
Capacity: 2 ml
Weight: 76g
MTL RTA with top to bottom airflow design
Precise liquid control and airflow control
Big single coil building deck for easy DIY
Convenient top filling cap without leakage
Thread: 510
Colours: Brushed, Polished, Black

Taking The Expromizer V4 Apart And It's Various Parts!
When i first went to use the RTA everything was very tight and with having the slippy polished version (which gives little grip) it took two hours trying various methods to get the top cap free of the fill plate/airflow section before i gave up the risk free approach and got an adjustable spanner risking damaging the finish. Eventually i got it undone and although the rest of the tank i got apart with much less hassle there is a lot of o-rings in use throughout the design so with it all in bits including removing the airflow control ring i gave all the o-rings a good lubrication with e-liquid which is all it took to have everything moving with nice tolerances.
With all it's various parts and having both top to bottom airflow and juice flow control some might see the RTA as being over engineered but compared to V3 i found it much more simplified so it will be less daunting to newer vapers.
The drip tip is a 2 piece MTL 510 with an Ultem tip pre-installed but a Black delrin tip is also included. Also we have a 2ml Ultem tank section pre-installed but also a pyrex 2ml tank is also included.
The RTA comprises of 2 piece drip tip, top cap, fill and airflow section, double walled chamber with attached air pipe, tank section, deck which unscrews from the base, base section and 510 pin.
We get all the usual spare o-rings and screws but no coil/coils or cotton which is a pet hate of mine, all rebuildables should come with everything that is needed to do at least one build.

The Airflow
The Expromizer V4 MTL RTA has top to bottom airflow and we have one long narrow slot on the airflow control ring and on the tank it'self we have a series of 6 small holes all the same size. The ring can be adjusted to have all six holes open, just one hole open or any amount between depending how tight you like your draw.
The Chamber is doubled walled so the air feeds in through the inlets and into the cavity between the two walls of the chamber. At the bottom on the underside of the chamber we can see 3 small holes either side (so 6 in total). The underside of the chamber sits to the outside of the deck and underneath a circular channel get's created. The air comes through the six holes into the circular channel that surrounds the deck section and we have 4 small rectangular cutout sections spaced evenly that allows the air to enter underneath the deck and up through the 1.8mm air outlet situated directly underneath where your coil will be positioned.
It's how the air enters the circular chamber before feeding underneath the deck that also allows the Expromizer to have juice control as nothing needs lining up allowing the base section (with screwed in deck) or main tank to be turned without effecting airflow. The last thing to point out when it comes to encouraging flavour along with the airflow although from the outside the chamber looks quite large because we have a lot going on and it's got a thick double wall the chamber it'self is quite reduced with a conical ceiling.

Juice Flow Control
The chamber has 2 slots one either side and the outside of the deck has 3 holes either side going from the smallest to the biggest, this allows the chamber slot to be lined up with different combinations of the holes to suit the PG/VG ratio of the liquid you are using and also to close the juice flow entirely when filling to avoid the chamber being flooded.
The inside of the chamber screws to the outside of the deck which as explained also creates a channel for the air but the outer wall extends down and has a shelf that sits on the base section so the Ultem or Pyrex tank section can be secured and sealed to a seated o-ring situated on this shelf. This allows the tank and deck to be turned against each other while the tank is secured together by either turning the tank or base section which is how the juice control is operated. I found it easiest to alter the juice control by turning the base when not on a device using the textured band for grip but when the RTA is secured on the device the tank it'self can be turned.

The Expromizer V4 utilises a top-fill method for adding e-liquid to the tank. As explained earlier in manufacture the threading had been fastened so tight it took quite some drama to get it free, after saying that the polished finish on mine doesn't help to get any grip and how tight they come may vary. Once off though all that was needed was a bit of lubrication and since it's been fine. The top-cap threads to the inner protruding central piece of the fill plate section rather than the outer edge where it is sealed with an o-ring. The threading is quite long so it takes a good few turns to free but when unscrewing and screwing back it's noticeable how smooth the threading is. In the fill plate we have dual large kidney shaped fill ports and the tank holds 2ml of liquid.

The Deck And Build
Although the diameter of the RTA is 23mm the deck itself is the sought of size more akin to a 22mm diameter RTA. It has shallow open posts opposite each other that have a central good quality philips grub screw on each and uses the screw heads as clamps making it a very easy build with no way your leads can pop out while fastening down. Just slip your leads in place and while holding your coil in position fasten the clamps (screw heads) down and then snip your leads. If needed use a coiling rod or fit for purpose tool to improve your coil placement then you just need to wick it.
Because of the juice flow control allowing adjustment even for high VG liquids the wicking channels are bigger than you would expect on a MTL RTA and because i didn't want to pack cotton down and suffocate the flow but still make sure the whole wicking channel has cotton to avoid flooding i wicked it the following way.
I cut the cotton ends bow tie style so the ends would just reach the bottom of the channels and then fluffed my ends trying not to remove any cotton, then i simply teased the cotton into the channels making sure they had full coverage.

How It Vapes And Thoughts!
Once i managed to get the tank fully undone and got all the o-rings lubricated the tank comes apart and reassembles with ease. Even after lubrication when the tank is first being used both the airflow control ring and adjusting the juice flow control is a little tight but it doesn't take much time before it settles down to have really nice tolerances, not too tight but not too loose.
In the past i have only really used juice flow control on tanks for closing when filling and then opening back up once filled and of course that can also be done on the Expromizer V4. But i really like how it can be adjusted to suit the e-liquids PG/VG ratio, i used some 50/50 nic salts and then used both 70Vg and 80VG and had it wicking perfectly with all (yes 80VG with an authentic MTL tank).
The draw you can achieve pretty much covers the full MTL spectrum giving a loose MTL draw fully open (but not restricted DL) right down to just a little tighter than a cigarette pull with just one hole open. I wouldn't say i got a super tight draw when experimenting but it gives tight enough to satisfy the vast majority of MTL vapers.
The airflow is silky smooth however the airflow is set and you could vape this in Church, it's noticeably quiet. With the top to bottom airflow preventing leaking and improved juice flow control i would of been satisfied if V4 matched V3 for flavour and the only disappointment for me is i can't remember where i put V3 to compare because V4 seems likes it's actually trumping V3, i'm getting fantastic flavour.
The threading on the top-cap is as smooth as the airflow but it does have quite long threading so filling takes a little time but that's a very minor thing. Apart from how tight the tank was when i first received it the only other cons i can think of is that it doesn't come supplied with coil/coils and cotton and a bit larger capacity would be nice. After saying that i wouldn't want the tank any larger or be fitting a bubble glass so i suppose the trade off is a 2ml capacity which at least makes it TPD compliant.

In This picture the Build is with a superfine MTL Fused Clapton 32ga*2+38ga Ni80 ID 2.6mm 6 wraps. Came out at 1.29ohms 3 airflow holes open and 2 largest juice holes with a 70VG juice for a medium MTL draw at 16W, for a warm but not hot smooth vape full of flavour.
Excellent build quality
Impressive machining and threading
Heavy (thick metal not flimsy)
3 Colour options
Once settled perfect tolerances
Very easy build
Leak resistant top to bottom airflow
Juice flow control works great
Can use any PG/VG ratio e-liquid
Suffered no leaking or flooding whatsoever
Ultem or Pyrex tank option (both included)
Utlem and Delrin tips included
2 piece quality MTL 510
Fit your own 510 if you prefer
Draw tight MTL right through to loose MTL
Silky smooth airflow
Noticeably quiet
Fantastic flavour
TPD compliant
Struggled to fully undo tank on arrival
Takes a little use before tolerances settle down
Comes without everything needed to do a build
Threading on top-cap quite long (quite petty)
A bit larger capacity would be nice

I would once again like to thank Pearl from Cigabuy for providing the Exvape Expromizer V4 MTL RTA for the purpose of this review.

The Expromizer V4 MTL RTA is the fourth generation of the Expromizer RTA from the German manufacturer Exvape. Compared to V3 it is an extra 1mm in diameter while being shorter and has more of a modern aesthetic look which i much prefer. While keeping the same deck and now much more straightforward juice flow, version four actually simplifies the design having less small parts while introducing top to bottom airflow. I didn't review but did buy "Fire" version 3 and at that time it gave the most satisfactory MTL vape i had experienced, hopefully V4 will at least keep the same performance while adding a leak resistant airflow system making it a sure fire winner!
In The Box

1 x eXrpomizer V4
1 x O-ring kit
1 x screwdriver
2 x M2 replacement screws -
1 x spare glass tank (Pyrex)
1 x Drip Tip attachment (black)
1 x instruction manual

The Expromizer came in a cardboard box with cardboard sleeve. I received the Polished version which is extremely shiny with a slippy finish and wouldn't be my personal choice as both the Matte Black and Brushed versions look much nicer and will match up with many more devices. The RTA despite only having a 2ml capacity is quite large for a MTL RTA being 23mm in diameter but much taller than the average.
On the top airflow section we have a long narrow slot revealing a series of 6 airflow hole inlets and both the airflow control ring and top-cap has slight texturing but the surface is too slippy for it to help much with grip. The top surface of the top-cap is flat and then we have a protruding central section to accommodate the 2 piece 510 drip tip. The installed drip tip has a lower Stainless Steel section with Ultem tip but the tip can be switched for a Black Delrin one.
The bottom section has a pronounced central textured band that even with the Polished version does help with grip, this is for turning the base to adjust the juice flow control. I went for the Ultem look which i know isn't everyone's cup of tea but through the Ultem the juice control and "EX" etched on the chimney can still be seen but are much more visible with the Pyrex section installed instead. Moving to the base we have etched branding, safety marks and serial number, we have a Gold plated protruding 510.
The build quality is excellent and really can't fault the machining and threading i just wish it didn't come so tightly screwed together.

Expromizer V4 Specs and Features:
Type: Single Coil MTL RTA
Material: Stainless Steel
Material (Glass): Pyrex / Acyl
Material (Drip Tip): Stainless Steel + Black (POM) / Yellow (PEI)
Height (without Drip Tip): 43 mm
Height (with Drip Tip): 56 mm
Diameter: 23 mm
Capacity: 2 ml
Weight: 76g
MTL RTA with top to bottom airflow design
Precise liquid control and airflow control
Big single coil building deck for easy DIY
Convenient top filling cap without leakage
Thread: 510
Colours: Brushed, Polished, Black

Taking The Expromizer V4 Apart And It's Various Parts!
When i first went to use the RTA everything was very tight and with having the slippy polished version (which gives little grip) it took two hours trying various methods to get the top cap free of the fill plate/airflow section before i gave up the risk free approach and got an adjustable spanner risking damaging the finish. Eventually i got it undone and although the rest of the tank i got apart with much less hassle there is a lot of o-rings in use throughout the design so with it all in bits including removing the airflow control ring i gave all the o-rings a good lubrication with e-liquid which is all it took to have everything moving with nice tolerances.
With all it's various parts and having both top to bottom airflow and juice flow control some might see the RTA as being over engineered but compared to V3 i found it much more simplified so it will be less daunting to newer vapers.
The drip tip is a 2 piece MTL 510 with an Ultem tip pre-installed but a Black delrin tip is also included. Also we have a 2ml Ultem tank section pre-installed but also a pyrex 2ml tank is also included.
The RTA comprises of 2 piece drip tip, top cap, fill and airflow section, double walled chamber with attached air pipe, tank section, deck which unscrews from the base, base section and 510 pin.
We get all the usual spare o-rings and screws but no coil/coils or cotton which is a pet hate of mine, all rebuildables should come with everything that is needed to do at least one build.

The Airflow
The Expromizer V4 MTL RTA has top to bottom airflow and we have one long narrow slot on the airflow control ring and on the tank it'self we have a series of 6 small holes all the same size. The ring can be adjusted to have all six holes open, just one hole open or any amount between depending how tight you like your draw.
The Chamber is doubled walled so the air feeds in through the inlets and into the cavity between the two walls of the chamber. At the bottom on the underside of the chamber we can see 3 small holes either side (so 6 in total). The underside of the chamber sits to the outside of the deck and underneath a circular channel get's created. The air comes through the six holes into the circular channel that surrounds the deck section and we have 4 small rectangular cutout sections spaced evenly that allows the air to enter underneath the deck and up through the 1.8mm air outlet situated directly underneath where your coil will be positioned.
It's how the air enters the circular chamber before feeding underneath the deck that also allows the Expromizer to have juice control as nothing needs lining up allowing the base section (with screwed in deck) or main tank to be turned without effecting airflow. The last thing to point out when it comes to encouraging flavour along with the airflow although from the outside the chamber looks quite large because we have a lot going on and it's got a thick double wall the chamber it'self is quite reduced with a conical ceiling.

Juice Flow Control
The chamber has 2 slots one either side and the outside of the deck has 3 holes either side going from the smallest to the biggest, this allows the chamber slot to be lined up with different combinations of the holes to suit the PG/VG ratio of the liquid you are using and also to close the juice flow entirely when filling to avoid the chamber being flooded.
The inside of the chamber screws to the outside of the deck which as explained also creates a channel for the air but the outer wall extends down and has a shelf that sits on the base section so the Ultem or Pyrex tank section can be secured and sealed to a seated o-ring situated on this shelf. This allows the tank and deck to be turned against each other while the tank is secured together by either turning the tank or base section which is how the juice control is operated. I found it easiest to alter the juice control by turning the base when not on a device using the textured band for grip but when the RTA is secured on the device the tank it'self can be turned.

The Expromizer V4 utilises a top-fill method for adding e-liquid to the tank. As explained earlier in manufacture the threading had been fastened so tight it took quite some drama to get it free, after saying that the polished finish on mine doesn't help to get any grip and how tight they come may vary. Once off though all that was needed was a bit of lubrication and since it's been fine. The top-cap threads to the inner protruding central piece of the fill plate section rather than the outer edge where it is sealed with an o-ring. The threading is quite long so it takes a good few turns to free but when unscrewing and screwing back it's noticeable how smooth the threading is. In the fill plate we have dual large kidney shaped fill ports and the tank holds 2ml of liquid.

The Deck And Build
Although the diameter of the RTA is 23mm the deck itself is the sought of size more akin to a 22mm diameter RTA. It has shallow open posts opposite each other that have a central good quality philips grub screw on each and uses the screw heads as clamps making it a very easy build with no way your leads can pop out while fastening down. Just slip your leads in place and while holding your coil in position fasten the clamps (screw heads) down and then snip your leads. If needed use a coiling rod or fit for purpose tool to improve your coil placement then you just need to wick it.
Because of the juice flow control allowing adjustment even for high VG liquids the wicking channels are bigger than you would expect on a MTL RTA and because i didn't want to pack cotton down and suffocate the flow but still make sure the whole wicking channel has cotton to avoid flooding i wicked it the following way.
I cut the cotton ends bow tie style so the ends would just reach the bottom of the channels and then fluffed my ends trying not to remove any cotton, then i simply teased the cotton into the channels making sure they had full coverage.

How It Vapes And Thoughts!
Once i managed to get the tank fully undone and got all the o-rings lubricated the tank comes apart and reassembles with ease. Even after lubrication when the tank is first being used both the airflow control ring and adjusting the juice flow control is a little tight but it doesn't take much time before it settles down to have really nice tolerances, not too tight but not too loose.
In the past i have only really used juice flow control on tanks for closing when filling and then opening back up once filled and of course that can also be done on the Expromizer V4. But i really like how it can be adjusted to suit the e-liquids PG/VG ratio, i used some 50/50 nic salts and then used both 70Vg and 80VG and had it wicking perfectly with all (yes 80VG with an authentic MTL tank).
The draw you can achieve pretty much covers the full MTL spectrum giving a loose MTL draw fully open (but not restricted DL) right down to just a little tighter than a cigarette pull with just one hole open. I wouldn't say i got a super tight draw when experimenting but it gives tight enough to satisfy the vast majority of MTL vapers.
The airflow is silky smooth however the airflow is set and you could vape this in Church, it's noticeably quiet. With the top to bottom airflow preventing leaking and improved juice flow control i would of been satisfied if V4 matched V3 for flavour and the only disappointment for me is i can't remember where i put V3 to compare because V4 seems likes it's actually trumping V3, i'm getting fantastic flavour.
The threading on the top-cap is as smooth as the airflow but it does have quite long threading so filling takes a little time but that's a very minor thing. Apart from how tight the tank was when i first received it the only other cons i can think of is that it doesn't come supplied with coil/coils and cotton and a bit larger capacity would be nice. After saying that i wouldn't want the tank any larger or be fitting a bubble glass so i suppose the trade off is a 2ml capacity which at least makes it TPD compliant.

In This picture the Build is with a superfine MTL Fused Clapton 32ga*2+38ga Ni80 ID 2.6mm 6 wraps. Came out at 1.29ohms 3 airflow holes open and 2 largest juice holes with a 70VG juice for a medium MTL draw at 16W, for a warm but not hot smooth vape full of flavour.
Excellent build quality
Impressive machining and threading
Heavy (thick metal not flimsy)
3 Colour options
Once settled perfect tolerances
Very easy build
Leak resistant top to bottom airflow
Juice flow control works great
Can use any PG/VG ratio e-liquid
Suffered no leaking or flooding whatsoever
Ultem or Pyrex tank option (both included)
Utlem and Delrin tips included
2 piece quality MTL 510
Fit your own 510 if you prefer
Draw tight MTL right through to loose MTL
Silky smooth airflow
Noticeably quiet
Fantastic flavour
TPD compliant
Struggled to fully undo tank on arrival
Takes a little use before tolerances settle down
Comes without everything needed to do a build
Threading on top-cap quite long (quite petty)
A bit larger capacity would be nice

I would once again like to thank Pearl from Cigabuy for providing the Exvape Expromizer V4 MTL RTA for the purpose of this review.