Famovape Magma AIO Kit Reviewed by SessionDrummer


The SteamCrave Guy
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Thanks out to @famovape_official for inquiring, and sending their Magma AIO Kit for the purposes of this review. Admittedly I get asked more often than not if I'd like to review new equipment, and I typically turn down pod mods, as they're not always in my wheelhouse, but this one, looked JUST interesting enough to take a ride on the wild side.


Magma Specs.png


Magma Features.png

Not only did @famovape_official provide the kit, but they also threw in an extra box of 0.4 ohm M1 Mesh coils.


Packaging was great, with the AIO, (1) DTL 0.4 ohm Mesh Coil, (1) MTL 1.2 ohm Wire Coil, USB C Charging cable, and User's Manual.


All in, it was a very simple setup, and the included 360 swiveling drip tip, worked great.


USB C Charging (it's about time, right ?).


The 0.69" OLED display was easy to see, and easy to use when changing functions.

Airflow and Display.jpg

The adjustment buttons were very solid, with no rattle, and were similar to cell phone buttons.

Plus Minus Buttons.jpg

The fire button was the same. Very solid, and felt high end, with no overly loud clickity clicks.

Fire Button.jpg

The pod attachment couldn't be simpler with two connections, surrounded by the air adjustment ring.


The magnets both in the mod and pod were pretty solid, and presented you with a nice "click" when inserted, and it seemed to hold it fairly tight, and never had the pod come off, even when pocketing.

Assembly Magnet.jpg

If you're smart (not like me), and want a trouble-free coil insertion, LOOK for the arrows, line them up, and insert.

Full Pod 2.jpg

Instructions, who needs instructions .........

Change Atomizer.jpg

Filling was stupid easy, PROVIDED you had needle tip bottles, NO angled, wedge, or cosmo tips allowed.

Filling Port.jpg

Although slightly tinted, you could easily see the juice level when filling, and the rubber stopper held it's own with no leaks, and was easy to take on/off.


I tested both 70p/30v, and 70v/30p juices, and surprisingly had NO dry hits, or leaking with either of the thick/thin juices.


Because it looked and felt much like a cell phone, figured I'd steal my wife's Samsung S10, for sizing comparison.



The funny thing is, I'm probably the WORST person to test/review a Mod Pod system, as I don't use them (OR, does that make me the RIGHT person ??). I took a look at some of the pics online before agreeing to test it out, and I'm actually glad I did. The Magma AIO felt REALLY good in the hand, albeit smaller/thinner than normal, but high-end is what continued to come to mind. The buttons were just like a good cell phone. The display although smaller, was clear, easy to see, and dimmed while not in use. The operations were very tried and true; 5 clicks on/off, 3 clicks lock, up/down adj. to flip display. Nothing fancy schmancy, and it didn't need it. Now Famovape calls it "External Air Conditioning", and I call it auto-ranging. Pop in a 0.4 ohm mesh coil, and it ranges from 15w-40w, pop in a 1.2 ohm coil, and it ranges 8w-15w. Pretty stupidly simple if you ask me.

I was rather surprised by the clouds this thing produced at 40w with the mesh coils. Flavor surprised me as well, as I had been expecting a typical, "Oh yeah, it's a pod" flavor, but it was actually pretty good with the fruits and bakeries tested. Both coils seem to open up more, closer to their higher end wattages. Airflow, even when wide open was still somewhat restricted, but, work out quite nicely for DTL, and MTL'ing both. The test kit went through some rough paces as I chain vaped it, and surprisingly it held it's own, with nary a dry hit. The 2ml capacity did have me refilling a bit, and the 900mah battery might last a heavy vaper 1/2-2/3'rd's of a day give or take. The USB C charging is a WELCOME upgrade from our older USB plugs. O-rings everywhere they needed to be, both on the coils and drip tip, which could be spun 360 degrees. Not a wide bore, but for what this pocket rocket is trying to be, it worked perfectly.


* Surprisingly good flavor, and vapor production.
* Easy to use and fill.
* Works good for both MTL and DTL vaping.
* High end looks and feel.
* Simple functions.
* 360 degree swiveling drip tip.
* Completely adjust airflow.
* No leaking, even when left on it's side.


* Airflow adjustment can be hard to adjust.
* Only 2ml capacity.
* 900 mah battery may not last all day for heavy vapors.
* Small fill port requires needle tip bottles only.


All in, I was not only surprised by the Famovape Magma AIO, but glad I took a chance to review it. With the flavor and vapor production at surprising levels, the somewhat smallish 2ml capacity, and 900 mah battery could easily be overlooked. In an increasingly competitive mod/pod market, this one will surely stand out, and with both DTL and MTL vaping covered, it's going to give more than a few a run for their money. If you are like me, and perhaps NOT in the mod/pod camp, you might want to try this one out, because it surprised me. Stealthy, and capable.

If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking with me, and checking out the review. Thanks again out to @famovape_official for the opportunity to test this kit.


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Buy a spare pod, and take more flavors on the road, or switch up MTL and DTL on the road !!!
