FDA Final Regulations Released, The beginning of the end...


New Vaper
Hey guys,

For those of you who haven't heard, vaping in America has taken a turn for the worse and I am sure it is bound to have a massive global effect which will change the way we all vape. I have attached some links from some renown reviewers to educate you'll more:

RiP Trippers:

Mike Vapes:

Suck My Mod:

Let me know what you guys think about it.

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Hey guys,

For those of you who haven't heard, vaping in America has taken a turn for the worse and I am sure it is bound to have a massive global effect which will change the way we all vape. I have attached some links from some renown reviewers to educate you'll more:

RiP Trippers:

Mike Vapes:

Suck My Mod:

Let me know what you guys think about it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

This is a bummer.As a vaper and an American I'm pissed.I'll do my best to contact my reps and going to check CASSA to see what they advise.Stay strong fellow vapers!
I, for one, am in a state of angry shock. Its almost like some really sick April Fools joke, only its real. Propagated by a large group of bureaucrats in Washington who obviously live in some kind of bubble. Who have serious control issues. Many of whom are obviously pally-boys with the big tobacco lobbyists...who only want to keep the industry "safe and regulated". For themselves, that is. Whats the time honored strategy that every hostile corporate and governmental take-over employed? Divide, conquer, and control.

This world-wide growing vaping industry was just getting too big and uncontrolled for its own good, apparently. We really felt bad for our vaping brothers/sisters in the EU for the damned TPD, and the even worse controls that our friends in Australia and NZ and other countries are fighting. And now this, a mind-numbingly comprehensive set of impossible regulations which are not only law in 3 months, but retroactive back to the beginning of vaping in 2007! Regulations that will put most of the juice-makers in the US out of business, as well as many or most vape shops and online sales. Our only hope is if Congress can overturn this. I'm contacting my representatives, I won't go down without a fight, and I sure as hell will never go back to cigs. The non-smokers and the casual vapers here, probably have no clue this is coming. I haven't been to a local shop in a couple weeks, am curious to see if they'll mention it, or have anything posted. I'll sure bring it up, that's for damned sure.

What I don't want to see here happen, and which probably will, will be panic buying.....an every man for himself and grab what you can while you can. Mods, tanks, coils, rdas, juice...all come under the deeming regs. I'm fortunate I can and do diy, but nic.....that is the primal point. If they can control or ban nic sales to individuals....well, thats it then. I don't know about importing nicotine into the states, or exporting it, I have yet to find that point out. I have been slowly stockpiling nic, but I don't have nearly what I need to get me by. But sometimes you just need a really brilliant store juice. But under these regs....even vape shops that mix their own line of juice for customers are classified as Tobacco manufacturers.....and will have to submit and pay enormous fees for each and every flavor and level of nicotine for that flavor....basically pharmaceutical regulations the same as for prescription drugs. You would not put out these kind of severe regulations unless you wanted to break and completely control an industry.

Sorry guys, I'm rambling now, I'm just so Damned angry about this!!!!!
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