Flavour Nation concentrated Flavouring

  • Thread starter Lt-Flealick
  • Start date


Hey guys,,,

Just a quick question. Has anyone used Flavoring from flavour Nation to make e-juice. Im looking at all options ATM. Any feedback will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Hi @Quintusson Posibly you can give some advice here. I did read somewhere else it's probably a good idea to stick to flavour concentrates specifically tried and tested as Vape flavourings.
Honestly never heard of them before until today. The one major question one has to ask is, is it water-soluble or oil-based. Well, that's one of a few questions if I'm to be honest, but one of the biggest no-no's (water soluble being a step in the right direction and oil based being probably one of the, if not the biggest no-no).

So being curious as I am, I also went to their site now and checked it out and their products are water soluble, and are PG based (which are the big considerations when using flavours). Two ticks in the right direction for now. I also see the "not suitable for use in vape products" but then I have to wonder if this is maybe not just to safe guard themselves and if their products may in fact be used in vape products but due to regulatory obligations which are required on such items, which are not really required for food flavours, they prefer to state this and stay safe...

Now to really know one would need to delve deeper into the ingredients used because if things like water, ethanol, sugar and everyone's favourite, Vitamin E Acetate (remember the USA fiasco with kids vaping stuff with that **** in it?) are used in there, then it's a BIG NO GO.

But oil based is probably one of the worst of the lot. Stay away. Far, far, FAR away. Remember, not everything that you can eat can or should be inhaled (yes Cinnamon, I'm looking at you, though sadly so).
I saw that,,, but also that that 20ml bottle makes 10L. So maybe its just seriously concentrated, maybe just need to be diluted in PG. Such as in alot
I saw that,,, but also that that 20ml bottle makes 10L. So maybe its just seriously concentrated, maybe just need to be diluted in PG. Such as in alot
Then consider something like the Medicine Flower range - when it was still available in SA I bought their Watermelon flavour and man, oh man, there was not a Watermelon flavour that could even touch that on both potency and flavour, it was the bomb!! - which also had to be diluted quite a bit. I mean, I go outside the casual DIY'ers norm and typically mix things like FA flavours at 6-8% (some more even, and some less) whereas DIY'ers would tell you it should be mixed at 1-2% as it's sooo potent. MF's Watermelon, at 0.5% it was enough to carry a juice very well. So this may be in the MF's range of potency, which I would definitely welcome as I hate a flavour where you need to add 10-15% of it just to get a hint of it's potential (yes Molinberry Red Cherry, this is a stab directly at you, beautiful piece of work that you may be). If a flavour is that potent, then you can always dilute it, or just use much less than typical while mixing. Also, it saves money... (though MF was sold at R325 for 15ml, ten times more than almost any other flavour, and hence only buying it once and regretting not getting any others).
I see some flavours there that I would love to use in a juice, but I am not sure I trust them.

You would need to get a full breakdown of what is used to make each flavour. As @Quintusson said, if they contain things like water, ethanol, sugar and Vitamin E Acetate, you are going to have a bad time.

Don't get me wrong, I think this might be worth investigating. There are some flavours that tickle my fancy and I would love to know more about them.
i was looking at the wicks flavour as i am and have always nee a huge fan.... But i dont want to get it if i can only use it in milkshakes
I will be reaching out to Flavour Nation to get more information.
Who knows, maybe they can shed some light on the matter.
Awesome stuff. Please keep us posted
i was looking at the wicks flavour as i am and have always nee a huge fan.... But i dont want to get it if i can only use it in milkshakes
Try Clyrolinx (www.clyrolinx.co.za). They've got a Bubblegum and a Bubblegum Milkshake. Plain Bubblegum is normal Wicks bubblegum.
I will be reaching out to Flavour Nation to get more information.
Who knows, maybe they can shed some light on the matter.
Many thanks @Old_Goat. Please let us know about the outcome. Quite curious myself about some of these.
i was looking at the wicks flavour as i am and have always nee a huge fan.... But i dont want to get it if i can only use it in milkshakes
Clyronix wicks, spearmint and peppermint are very good and well priced. A bit of Clyrosweet and Clyrocool (I think that's their name for ICE) are great as we'll. If those are flavours that apeal to yo buy their 100ml bottles.
How have I never heard of them until now?
The website is kinda K@K, but they seem to good prices.
Clyronix wicks, spearmint and peppermint are very good and well priced. A bit of Clyrosweet and Clyrocool (I think that's their name for ICE) are great as we'll. If those are flavours that apeal to yo buy their 100ml bottles.
Correctly quoted names Stew.

Just to note, as per Geoff from Clyrolinx, their Clyrocool is very potent as it's WS23 at 43% where typical WS23 is sold in 20% and 30% solutions.

So there you have it.
They don't clearly say what flavours contain DAP, but for me, that is a good enough explanation.
How have I never heard of them until now?
The website is kinda K@K, but they seem to good prices.
Personal opinion, and please to all the Clyrolinx lovers out there, don't lambast me, they're a hit and miss. Their flavours that are good, are very good (like Stew mentioned, Bubblegum, Peppermint, Spearmint as well as Apricot, Brandy, English Toffee and a few more). Others, yeah, not so much (Blackcurrant and Butterscotch among others, not a fan), . But I have been using them for almost 7 years now and their Clyrosweet is my preferred sweetener when it comes to desserts.
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So there you have it.
They don't clearly say what flavours contain DAP, but for me, that is a good enough explanation.
Everybody's (well, almost everybody's) favourite custard, Capella Vanilla Custard V1, contains diacetyl. I've been vaping various flavours where that has been used and some in which that was the main flavour driver, without issues. That being said, the diacetyl in there is in low quantities compared to analogs.

Would like to know which though. Diacetyl is usually prescribed to giving a more buttery flavour, so it should be more common in their desserts then.

Any chance of getting their MSD sheets?
You might have heard of Diacetyl and Acetyl Propionyl (DAP). These compounds are totally fine in food, but they’re a big no-no when it comes to vaping.

Here’s the deal: Diacetyl and Acetyl Propionyl have been linked to some serious respiratory issues when inhaled, including something called popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans). This is a nasty condition where the smallest airways in your lungs get scarred and constricted, making it hard to breathe. It’s not something you want to mess with.

Popcorn lung got its name from workers in popcorn factories who were exposed to high levels of Diacetyl, the stuff that gives popcorn that buttery flavour. They ended up with some pretty severe lung problems.

Now, when it comes to our e-liquids, we gotta be careful. Avoid any flavour concentrates that contain Diacetyl or Acetyl Propionyl. Many of the reputable flavour manufacturers out there offer diacetyl-free options specifically designed for vaping. These are the ones we should be using to keep our hobby safe and enjoyable.

Always check the ingredients of the flavours you're buying. If you're not sure, reach out to the manufacturer and get confirmation. Better safe than sorry, right?

Stay safe out there, and happy mixing!