Freemax MAXUS 200w kit - The silent assassin

Jean claude Vaaldamme

Elite Vaper
The Freemax Maxus was send to me by @FreeMax for my thoughts.

What you get

You can read all the finer details on Freemax's website

The Tank
The M Pro 2 tank is just another great flavor chaser out of the Freemax stable. Like every other Freemax coils you get the most amazing flavor, NO LEAKING, and the coils last very long. The highlights are the mesh coils. Please go see the link above to see all the great different coils available.
The tank has a good capacity and you will need it as this thing blows huge clouds and is thirsty. Filling is amazingly easy and just slide the top to fill. The drip tip is a bit in the way for refilling but actually not a problem even with bigger bottles. If it bother you, just remove drip tip while filling. Airflow adjust easy and you can go from wide open to a nice restricted hit.
I must say that I had the mod twice in my pocket and both times it slid open and juice spilled. So maybe not the best to carry in your pocket.
Other than that I cant really fault anything on the tank other than for my personally its not the best looking tank. Maybe a black tank would have looked better and the funny color O-rings also dont do it for me.

The Mod
The Maxus 200w is a dual 18650 batt mod. It has all the features and tricks that you may need, like TC, Bypass, safety protection etc. Yes we seen this all before.
The star of the show is the SmartLoad Tech. You can put your batteries in anyway you like. It does not matter. Even vape on just one battery. As I don't vape on dual battery mods, I don't have paired batteries. I used the same batteries with this mod, different brands and amp batteries together. Batteries where the one was full and the other half charged etc. It just dont care. you just put in what you have and vape. Even if I saw Im not going to make it and dont have spare batteries, I took one out and charged it while vaping on the other single battery.
This is what makes this mod so amazing.

Again not many negatives.
For me personally its just too heavy, but I find that with all dual battery mods.
I also think the paint could have been better. After 3 weeks use it has scuff marks at the bottom and on the side from car cupholder. Maybe a stronger baked enamel like on the Auropod50 would have been better.

The verdict
OK so I struggled a bit to get excited about the mod as I'm not a fan of big dual battery mods. But once I started using it and getting used to it, it kind of grew on me. The flavor is amazing and the comfort of using any battery anyway you like just make it in a league of its own. For dual battery users I just don't think there is much in the market that can beat it.
And hey, even if you don't like the weight, if in a tricky situation you can always throw and kill a enemy with it:rofl: