From "russian" With Love

Zeki Hilmi

VooDoo Vapour
Supporting Vendor
Bergvliet Cape Town
Well @Gazzacpt dropped of my Russian 91 and have been excited all weekend. He also filled it up with double RY4 as I've also been gasping for a tobacco juice. Well this little device on my SVD at 12 watts has blown my socks off. The flavour is great. The vape makes a cloud in the northern hemisphere look like a babies dragon puff of smoke. I have lots more of testing to do but this Russian comes with love... Can't wait to get my nemesis on their once I've got it. Thanks Gaz it was worth the wait and more.

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That's awesome @Zeki Hilmi. Nothing like a well setup RBA to knock one's socks off.

I have been wondering about the build quality of the Russian 91 clones compared to the KF and KFL+ clones.

As I understand, it is the exact same design and performance. You don't have a KFL as well do you?
I think @devdev already has quite a bit of experiance with the kayfuns , and wants to know if the russian clones are any better/worse in build quality, i have a tobeco kayfun lite clone which as far as i understand is very similar to the russian
@steve and @devdev I quite agree Steve they feel and look very similar also enjoyed vaping yours... Just as I have my juice of preference I'm enjoying mine a lot more. They both vape equally as good as each other.

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does anyone else with a russian also have juice at the bottom of the tank every now and again?

when refilling and using on my nemi and svd i notice some juice at the bottom of the tank and also sometimes on top of the mod itself

any idea what causes this?
With the kayfun I have there is a catch cup at the bottom. Unscrew the centre pin from the bottom then catch cup unscrews from the deck, clean that out

Sent from deep within a vape cloud
does anyone else with a russian also have juice at the bottom of the tank every now and again?

when refilling and using on my nemi and svd i notice some juice at the bottom of the tank and also sometimes on top of the mod itself

any idea what causes this?

I don't... not on my original nor my clone...