Gear RTA wicking help.


New Vaper
Really would like to know how to wick this RTA properly. Not matter what I try, it just doesn't feel like juice is getting wicked properly to the coil. Then if I try a very loose wicking, then I get leaking.
Have you got some pics of what you tried dude?

I had one and if I can wick it anyone can :facepalm:
How long are you cutting your tails?
How long are you cutting your tails?
I have tried different lengths. I don't have pictures. Would you be able to describe your wicking method that worked for you?
Nothing too fancy I’m afraid.

Cotton not tight in the coil and tails cut outside the base of the rta and then tucked into the wicking port.

If you use 2.5mm coil then you won’t need to trim the cotton down, if you use a 3mm coil then I would rake out the cotton a bit. You don’t need a lot of cotton in the wicking port.

Less is more with this rta but it does like the cotton quite deep down the channel, almost touching the base.
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Nothing too fancy I’m afraid.

Cotton not tight in the coil and tails cut outside the base of the rta and then tucked into the wicking port.

If you use 2.5mm coil then you won’t need to trim the cotton down, if you use a 3mm coil then I would rake out the cotton a bit. You don’t need a lot of cotton in the wicking port.

Less is more with this rta but it does like the cotton quote deep down the channel, almost touching the base.
Thank you very much, really appreciate this
Seems to be working. Think this RTA is meant to be vaped at around 50 watts and not 70.
What coil have you got in there that you hammering so much power through it?

I think I used to use a 0.4-0.5 ohm alien at around 25-30w.

I think. I’m old. I forget things.
It's a six-core fused clapton (very high guage wires) at 0.27 ohms with about 4 wraps.
I've been wanting a Gear for a while now, it's a nice small RTA.
Your wicking is probably not the problem, but that coil might be a bit too hardcore.
It's a six-core fused clapton (very high guage wires) at 0.27 ohms with about 4 wraps.
Just my 2c but I would try something a bit smaller and a bit less power. Should solve your problems!
What would you recommend?
like @Stranger said you cant go wrong with a tri core alien.

most of them as a single coil will be around 0.3 - 0.5 ohms and then you can try watts from 25w to 45w or so. I dont vape terribly huge watts, i have a single alien 0.38 in my druga and it fires perfectly at 28w!
Ahh yes, the good old Gear RTA - so difficult to get right.
I've found that cutting wick flush with the deck, fluff it out and using tweezers to just "drop" the wicks into the ports. If there's too much cotton to fit naturally (without forcing it in) then you'll need to thin it out a bit more, too thin and then it leaks. Thin your cotton VERY carefully and "test fit" a few times before you consider it done.
I own two Gear RTA's - I found that anything more than 20w would taste burnt, it was nasty. I stuck to 15-20w.

Plus I only used 3mm MTL 3-core fused clapton coils at 0.3 ohms - very good flavour.

Also the placement of your coils is very important - placed just half-way above the coil posts. I cut the cotton tails to fit into the slots and not too tight either, you'll end up burning the cotton and getting dry hits.

The Gear RTA is a slightly restricted DL vape, compared to the Dead Rabbit V2 I now am using.