I have been confused for some time. Perhaps I'm confused in life generally, but at the moment my confusion is focused on regular statements about battery life.
"...mod x has fantastic battery life....mod y is rubbish, it's battery life is the worst I have experienced...." etc. ...etc. I have never experienced this problem. Or perhaps never noticed it.
I assume when people make such claims they are comparing apples to apples. That is, the same battery/batteries in mods x and y.
To end my confusion can we limit input to regulated mods only. In mech mods, according to Steam Engine... " The voltage hitting the atomizer is the voltage from the battery (minus the tiny voltage drop in the switch and conductors." There is therefore little difference in battery life.
With regulated mods it is slightly more complex. In more simple terms the significant difference in battery life between mods is the amount of power used to run the internal circuits and screen plus the tiny voltage drop in the switch and conductors (as in mech mods).
According to Steam Engine, in a regulated mod "...regulator circuits typically boast an efficiency between 80–95%. In practice this means that the regulator "steals" about a tenth of the power from the battery."
In other words (everything else being equal) the world's worst regulated mod would have a battery life around 15 % shorter than the world's best mod. (The use of the terms "world's best/worst" only done for emphasis, and is not intended to create heated debate and the tearing of clothing).
An average mod would therefore lose around 7ish %.
I know we all differ, but to me, even an extreme loss of 15% would not seriously impact on my vaping life. I have more than ten regulated mods. On any given day I would say I use around three. When needed, I put the batteries in a four bay charger and forget about them...until charged. I don't have the willpower to monitor the mods for a possible worst case 15 % better battery life.
All I would like to learn from my highly esteemed forum friends is this. Is there a mod out there which would give me around 50% better battery life. If this is possible, I will consider buying one. If not, I will forget about mods which have alleged fantastic battery life, and continue on liking most of my mods, and forgiving those which may fall slightly short in the battery life compartment (pun intended).
"...mod x has fantastic battery life....mod y is rubbish, it's battery life is the worst I have experienced...." etc. ...etc. I have never experienced this problem. Or perhaps never noticed it.
I assume when people make such claims they are comparing apples to apples. That is, the same battery/batteries in mods x and y.
To end my confusion can we limit input to regulated mods only. In mech mods, according to Steam Engine... " The voltage hitting the atomizer is the voltage from the battery (minus the tiny voltage drop in the switch and conductors." There is therefore little difference in battery life.
With regulated mods it is slightly more complex. In more simple terms the significant difference in battery life between mods is the amount of power used to run the internal circuits and screen plus the tiny voltage drop in the switch and conductors (as in mech mods).
According to Steam Engine, in a regulated mod "...regulator circuits typically boast an efficiency between 80–95%. In practice this means that the regulator "steals" about a tenth of the power from the battery."
In other words (everything else being equal) the world's worst regulated mod would have a battery life around 15 % shorter than the world's best mod. (The use of the terms "world's best/worst" only done for emphasis, and is not intended to create heated debate and the tearing of clothing).
An average mod would therefore lose around 7ish %.
I know we all differ, but to me, even an extreme loss of 15% would not seriously impact on my vaping life. I have more than ten regulated mods. On any given day I would say I use around three. When needed, I put the batteries in a four bay charger and forget about them...until charged. I don't have the willpower to monitor the mods for a possible worst case 15 % better battery life.
All I would like to learn from my highly esteemed forum friends is this. Is there a mod out there which would give me around 50% better battery life. If this is possible, I will consider buying one. If not, I will forget about mods which have alleged fantastic battery life, and continue on liking most of my mods, and forgiving those which may fall slightly short in the battery life compartment (pun intended).