Has anyone purchased from the online Sourcemore store?


Enthusiastically Clueless
Hi guys
I just read a review on the forum for which the device was supplied by Sourcemore.com.
Have any of you purchased from there before?
Did they ship for free, did you have to pay import duties etc?

Their prices are fantastic, but I don't want to get a big shipping and tax surprise.

Regarding import duties, most of the time when ordering from the east duties are minimal, like R50 to R100 as they mark the items as a gift with very low value.

In general vape gear doesn’t carry much duties unless you are purchasing from a reputable vape store or purchasing authentic or high end type gear where you can expect to pay tax (Vat) and some duites due to the invoice for the items listing exact value and full description which allows customers to ascertain that it is vape equipment to apply related import duites.
Dont know how they work, but I put an item in basket and check out. If you then put country SA, then there is no Dhl shipping or free shipping. Just a $10 option that seems to be going throught sapo, so long wait.
Dont know how they work, but I put an item in basket and check out. If you then put country SA, then there is no Dhl shipping or free shipping. Just a $10 option that seems to be going throught sapo, so long wait.
That would be a DEFINITE no then, lol.
SAPO average wait since they cleared the backlog in December is 1 to 2 months. Versus 3 month that it was before.

Prefer having the option for DHL Express or similar as your order would be here in less than a week. But it’s costly so always a good idea to arrange a group buy where the DHL cost (R800 or so) can be split between the individuals of the group.
That would be a DEFINITE no then, lol.
Well all these free shipping chinese sites go through sapo, so if whatever you buy is more than $10 cheaper than say on fasttech/ 3fvape etc, then this can still be an option.