I am getting fed up with this race.... the human one that is.


New Vaper
White River
After my Damascus Road Experience at the end of March ==> Switching from smoking to vaping, I have spent a lot of time reading about vaping.
I must confess I have turned into a bit of an activist. After experiencing first hand the health benefits of making the switch 100%, I have to share this.

Got a friend of mine into vaping and he has also now stopped smoking. Also smoked for 30 years.

Now it's time for me to blow off some steam. :mad: (Not vapour)

People are bloody stupid, short sighted, gullible slaves to their own stubbornness in adhering to bullshit that they have not bothered verifying.

The problem with people carrying bullshit around in their brains is that in a short while said matter solidifies into a substance hard enough to defy any attempt classification on Moh's scale.

I have had numerous cases where individuals hearing that I have stopped smoking, mention the """"""FACT""""" that vaping is just as dangerous, and that vaping will kill you shortly after giving you cancer, formatting your hard drive, eloping with your wife, burning the shed, kicking the dog etc.

I am not usually argumentative, but in a case like this any attempt at trying to get to the bottom of the assertion that vaping is BAD leads to blank stares and statements like 'But I read it somewhere!" or an equally unhelpful "Heard it somewhere".

Pushing further: Where are the case studies? Where are the recorded deaths caused by vaping? Tell me about the recorded deaths so I may believe?

I have not found one anti vaping pundit who knows what caused the Evali outbreak or even heard about the term in the first damn place.

Yet people have an unfailing ability to metamorphose hearsay into fact then spreading it as such.

Stopping now because writing this is irritating me all over again.
<Scouting around in study looking for something higher than 18mg.>

Surely I can't be the only one on this forum experiencing this?
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Don't forget the...
"you do know vaping does more harm than smoking"
"I know a guy that knew a guy that got water on his lungs and died"
I've given up on those types of people...not worth the effort of arguing with an idiot.
Don't forget the...
"you do know vaping does more harm than smoking"
"I know a guy that knew a guy that got water on his lungs and died"
I've given up on those types of people...not worth the effort of arguing with an idiot.
My own Wife. LOL.
After my Damascus Road Experience at the end of March ==> Switching from smoking to vaping, I have spent a lot of time reading about vaping.
I must confess I have turned into a bit of an activist. After experiencing first hand the health benefits of making the switch 100%, I have to share this.

Got a friend of mine into vaping and he has also now stopped smoking. Also smoked for 30 years.

Now it's time for me to blow off some steam. :mad: (Not vapour)

People are bloody stupid, short sighted, gullible slaves to their own stubbornness in adhering to bullshit that they have not bothered verifying.

The problem with people carrying bullshit around in their brains is that in a short while said matter solidifies into a substance hard enough to defy any attempt classification on Moh's scale.

I have had numerous cases where individuals hearing that I have stopped smoking, mention the """"""FACT""""" that vaping is just as dangerous, and that vaping will kill you shortly after giving you cancer, formatting your hard drive, eloping with your wife, burning the shed, kicking the dog etc.

I am not usually argumentative, but in a case like this any attempt at trying to get to the bottom of the assertion that vaping is BAD leads to blank stares and statements like 'But I read it somewhere!" or an equally unhelpful "Heard it somewhere".

Pushing further: Where are the case studies? Where are the recorded deaths caused by vaping? Tell me about the recorded deaths so I may believe?

I have not found one anti vaping pundit who knows what caused the Evali outbreak or even heard about the term in the first damn place.

Yet people have an unfailing ability to metamorphose hearsay into fact then spreading it as such.

Stopping now because writing this is irritating me all over again.
<Scouting around in study looking for something higher than 18mg.>

Surely I can't be the only one on this forum experiencing this?
Yes, this is a common problem with everybody I encounter concerning vaping. But you need to understand one thing, humans in general do not exist anymore, they are sheep. Once you accept this fact, you will be less inclined to correct the sheep and just accept that they are mindless .
I have even agreed with them just to shut them up
Yep, I've encountered the "but vaping is dangerous" more times than I care to remember. I have different replies, depending on my mood.

Them: Vaping is dangerous!
Me: "Which of the ingredients in vape juice is dangerous?"
Them: blank look
Me: "Is it VG, which can be bought OTP at any Clicks etc.?"
Them: blank look
Me; Is it pharmaceutical-grade PG, which is also used as a base for many medications and cosmetics?
Them: blank, slightly uncomfortable, look
Me: "Is it the food-grade flavour concentrate, which is also used in most things which you eat or drink?"
Them: blank, uncomfortable, look

If they're a smoker:
Me: "Is it nicotine, which of course is in your cigarettes as well?"
Them: blank, uncomfortable look and breaks eye-contact. The wall has suddenly become interesting.

If they're not a smoker:
Me: "Is it nicotine?"
Them: Eyes light up with glee
Me: Nicotine per se is not dangerous. In fact, it is sometimes prescribed by doctors to lessen the effects of Parkinsons. It is addictive, but not dangerous at the levels in vape juice.
Them: Shrugs and changes the topic.

And I know that nothing that I've said has made any difference. "Vaping is dangerous" is firmly embedded in the mass of noodles they call their brain.
My other reaction:

Them: "Vaping is dangerous!"
Me: Do I look as if I'm in danger?"
Them: No, but you are. It affects the lungs."
Me: "Really?? Oh my word! That means that I can't breathe properly."
Them: looking smug "Right!"
Me: Do I look as if I can't breathe properly? I've been vaping for close on 8 years. I have an annual medical and there's no problem with my oxygen levels. So how do you explain that?
Them: "I dunno, but I just know that it's dangerous."

@KolonelSopDrol There is nothing that you can say to change someone's mind about vaping. People stick to their beliefs like Superglue. For your own peace of mind just accept this, otherwise you are the one who is going to get irritated beyond endurance.
Perhaps playing on people's attraction to conspiracy theories might help.

Who stands to gain the most with these 'Vaping BAD!' stories doing the rounds?


One of the few products that, if used as specified, kills a sizeable percentage of its consumers.

Smoking had it's day of being cool and accepted. Just think of those Camel ads we used to see in the cinemas in the 80s.

As Hooked mentioned:
I am addicted to Nicotine, and it is part of my operating system.

I have never seen myself as someone with a good memory, but through the years having a good memory became an integral part of my work.
Nicotine helps to defragment my brain, and like people said, Dammit, nicotine is not a crime.
Perhaps playing on people's attraction to conspiracy theories might help.

Who stands to gain the most with these 'Vaping BAD!' stories doing the rounds?


One of the few products that, if used as specified, kills a sizeable percentage of its consumers.

Smoking had it's day of being cool and accepted. Just think of those Camel ads we used to see in the cinemas in the 80s.

As Hooked mentioned:
I am addicted to Nicotine, and it is part of my operating system.

I have never seen myself as someone with a good memory, but through the years having a good memory became an integral part of my work.
Nicotine helps to defragment my brain, and like people said, Dammit, nicotine is not a crime.

BIG TOBACCO for sure, although they made a smart move a number of years ago to start producing their own vape devices and juice, even taking over Twisp in SA and rebranding as Vuse.

BIG PHARMA also stands to gain. Healthy people aren't good for business.

And, of course, our dear government, who is doing damage control over their lockdown decision to ban cigarette sales. Unfortunately for them, illegal ciggies thrived - and still do.
Let me drop this here.

Vaping will be demonized until it's fully under big tobacco control which is just around the corner.

Then you'll see the bots activate saying how safe it is now and the rest of the world with their calcified dentrites will forget it was ever in doubt.

And now... I know a guy that knows a guy. He got drunk this guy, at home, and had a 200w device. He kept pushing the watts up as his pain receptors got more numb from the alcohol.

He inhaled such hot vape the next morning he went to hospital and had to have drainage installed in each lung because they were excreting so much plasma liquid in response to the heat damage.
I should probably ask my friend if this guy lived.

Can't do that to yourself with disposables or pods.

Anyway in the old days we'd just let them remove themselves from the gene pool.
Oh and the trend of vaping cannabis is deadly to the lungs.

Very few sources that are safe, the rest of it will deposit lipids on your lung tissue and scar over because the lipid cannot be cleared out of the lungs so lung grows over it.

VO2 max drops year on year until you have emphysema.

Do not vape cannabis oils, ever.
Oh ditto I'm also sick of the well-meaning words of vaping is just bad - I recently got told that vaping is not good for the stomach. Screw that, I've been vaping 9 years and I have not got one issue. When I point it out to them, they go quiet because, truth be told, people think they know better than you when you have actually experienced it in the long run.
Oh ditto I'm also sick of the well-meaning words of vaping is just bad - I recently got told that vaping is not good for the stomach. Screw that, I've been vaping 9 years and I have not got one issue. When I point it out to them, they go quiet because, truth be told, people think they know better than you when you have actually experienced it in the long run.
Unfortunately opinions are like @ssholes, every one has one and no one should either with everyone!