Irecently lost my Job due to allot of things that one does not expect. Ithen got blessed with the oppertunenity to go teach overseas. Hence ime looking to trade a pc for a laptop as that ile defnitly need. Ime not clued up on these laptop thingy's so excuse me if i go over the top but please feel free to give me any advice that is needed.
Specs of the system
mobo: z270 prime
cpu: i5 6600k
ram: Corsair dominator (white) rgb 2x 8gb
gpu: ichill x4 1070
psu: raidmax 1200w fully modular
hhd: 500gb
ssd: Panther 120gb
case: Phanteks white
fans: 2x coolermaster white led 1x ring cougar white led
monitors: 1x samsung 23" fhd 1080p 1x 17" samsung 768
cpu cooler: PHANTEKS PH-TC12DX
Item Wanted: Gaming laptop
Something with a 1050ti or 1650 actually anything that will be able to play rust lol and be used for setting up lessons ime really open to offers.
or a alienware with a 980 or 980ti + cash
but ime open to offers for any gameing laptops
Packaging Essential: yes to be safe in shipping
Desired Age: na
Location: Vivo Limpopo
Willing to accept a shipped item: Yes
Ballpark/Budget Amount: trades
Picture here[/B]:
Specs of the system
mobo: z270 prime
cpu: i5 6600k
ram: Corsair dominator (white) rgb 2x 8gb
gpu: ichill x4 1070
psu: raidmax 1200w fully modular
hhd: 500gb
ssd: Panther 120gb
case: Phanteks white
fans: 2x coolermaster white led 1x ring cougar white led
monitors: 1x samsung 23" fhd 1080p 1x 17" samsung 768
cpu cooler: PHANTEKS PH-TC12DX
Item Wanted: Gaming laptop
Something with a 1050ti or 1650 actually anything that will be able to play rust lol and be used for setting up lessons ime really open to offers.
or a alienware with a 980 or 980ti + cash
but ime open to offers for any gameing laptops
Packaging Essential: yes to be safe in shipping
Desired Age: na
Location: Vivo Limpopo
Willing to accept a shipped item: Yes
Ballpark/Budget Amount: trades
Picture here[/B]: