iJoy/Cigpet WonderVapeco 270 mech kit ... opinions?


Experienced Vaper
Cape Town, South Africa
I'm thinking of adding a mech to my vape stuff.
I'm thinking of trying this device:


Any opinions?
It's a "older" device, came out early-mid 2017.

Things I like about it:
- 510 spring loaded connector
- 20700 battery
- internal battery sleeve
- quick release button

These might not be what mech afficianados go for because of voltage drop (+- .2V more than others), etc, but those features appeal to "safety" (as much safety a mech can have outside of the user). Not intended as a all-day carry as that is left to my regulated device(s) (EHPro 101 and hopefully a DNA250C mod as soon as SARS wakes up).
Decided to give this one a skip for some reasons.
Video reviews seemed favourable, but some write-ups with dismantling and inspection showed some not-so-acceptable machine work that I'm not interested in dealing with.
Still want a mech some day, but I'll put me cash aside for a Kennedy 25. Pick it up when I head to the USA next year perhaps.

That ... and the EHPro 101 Pro is now 21700. :)
Can’t go wrong with a Kennedy. Never owned one but my buddy let me use his for a few weeks. Solid mod, hits hard!
I'll see if I can put some money aside to get one in the USA next year. I definitely would like to get the Kennedy 22 dripper. My Tsunami 22 has the same airflow and I understand the Kennedy has a smaller chamber with improves flavour a little bit more. I'm used to the leaking from the bottom airflow by now, too. :D

Decided to order a Noisy Cricket come payday. They're old stock now so the price is really inexpensive. Heard about issues with the plastic button, but have found a Russian supplier who makes good replacements. Maybe order in a silver and a black.
The noisy cricket is a different type of animal. The mod was crafted in the pits of hell. A hit from that thing and you will have an out of body experience:-D
I read on a forum somewhere that someone noticed the hit felt a lot weaker suddenly. He figured out that a small amount of juice had gotten into the button. Due to its design, I’m not surprised. It’s never happened to me but something to watch out for
Good to know, thank you. Got to keep stuff clean.

The series thing makes more sense to me. It's a no brainer now since I saw the price of the Cricket. Between finding the Cigpet and sitting down to do some research, I wound up running numbers on Vape Tool Pro and they were a bit scary with just 3.6V to play with from a cell. I'm still very weary of big amp draw from these batteries.

Given the numbers I was seeing, I can see why some mechs cost a bit. It's tolerances and material used to keep those little voltage drops from adding up when all you have is a single cell.
I agree with the cost thing. From using high end mechs and low quality ones, you can clearly tell that everything adds up. The quality of the vape on a high end, when compared to a cheap or clone mech, is astounding.

And I wouldn’t hesitate on purchasing the cricket. As long as you know what you are doing, you won’t regret it.
Gonna get it.
Will probably also try and get the Fat Daddy Vapes upgrade it.

Now the dilemna ... black or silver? :D Anyone have the black and can give indication on how good the coating is?