Interwebs and google


Elite Vaper
Roodepoort 1724
Good evening all

So at the risk of getting my backside handed to me I will refrain from naming any retailers but here goes.

As I said in my introduction I am fairly new to the vaping scene and living on the far Westrand leaves one with limited options when it comes to buying juices etc.
I will not repeat my experience here but I feel I need to maybe just mention this. If one google Vape shops around Johannesburg a map option pops up and you can see the options and also some details etc regarding the stores.
So after having a huge thing on facebook and having my threads deleted twice, receiving a very unsatisfactory response from the shop I had this experience with, it still comes up on google with the wrong operating times.
So I guess my point to the story is, retailers please google your shops and make sure that the details provided on the interwebs is in fact correct.
And I am only bringing this up again as a Friend had the same misfortune tonight.

Happy Vaping.
Thanks for the feedback @Cornelius
You are correct that retailers should check their details they publish to make sure they are correct.

Have moved your thread to "Who has stock", so vendors can respond directly and discuss if they wish

In the Retailer Reviews subforum we like to keep the posts grouped according to the relevant retailer.
Mmmm... I saw your Facebook rant and agree with you (sort of...)


As these things go, I think that it will be sensible to simply call the store before you make your way there, especially if your are going to cut it fine with timing. I often phone the post office, Woolworths, etc to check if they are still open before I go there after 16h00, 16h30 ish.

Save yourself this anguish and just give them a quick call before you go = problem solved ;)