Came across this great video done in Yorkshire about demystifying vaping
Its a year old, but it’s very good
The UK is very pro Vaping as a means to quit smoking and this video shows why
Their public health executives, researchers and thought leaders are doing it right
I liked what Clive Bates said early on in the video
“Vaping is a major innovation that will ultimately render cigarettes obsolete”
Have a watch, it’s good.
And it can also be used to show anyone who is unsure about Vaping, what the benefits are

Its a year old, but it’s very good
The UK is very pro Vaping as a means to quit smoking and this video shows why
Their public health executives, researchers and thought leaders are doing it right
I liked what Clive Bates said early on in the video
“Vaping is a major innovation that will ultimately render cigarettes obsolete”
Have a watch, it’s good.
And it can also be used to show anyone who is unsure about Vaping, what the benefits are