Jungle Flavors / Flavor Jungle One Shots Reviewed by SessionDrummer


The SteamCrave Guy
JF One Shots.jpeg

**Series II Mixing Now:**

One Shots:

**Apple Fritter (Jungle Flavors) 11% (12-20-20)**
-- First Jungle Flavors One Shot on deck, and perfect for the Holidays. I could smell the dough element when mixing, and wasn't sure about how it would fare vaping, but it quickly became obvious, it just worked. The dough actually worked very well, as it portrayed both a baked, and almost undercooked dough at the same time, which perfectly suited a Fritter. The apple elements tasted somewhat unique, and were a great choice for this one shot, as they were not a typical "pie filling", not heavy on the cinnamon, which really worked here. Almost a Fuji-ish punch on the top end, and overall it leaned more towards a fresh apple, than a filling apple. Slight amounts of spice but very low in the mix, so as not to overwhelm the apples and dough. Sweetness was mid level, and as a total vape, it really worked, and tasted different, which helped elevate it from the typical apple bakeries out there. Def. a tester tank finisher for me. Handily handing it up at a **9.5/10**.

**Donut Holes (Jungle Flavors) 12.5% (12-20-20)** -- Five days before Christmas and I need a Donut Vape !!! Did I get one, or a lump of coal ?? I got one !!!!! For starters, this is probably one of the BEST Donut flavor/one-shots I have tried, and that's saying something. I may have detected some of my old friend FA Zeppola in here, but it tasted like a bit more than just that. The donut notes were fresh and fried if that makes sense, along with a nice helping of glazed sugar. It sat at about mid level sweet, which is fine for a donut. "Just say NO to PlayDoh" and this one does just that. I couldn't detect any heavy notes to sway the donut/dough which left it neutral, but could easily be spiked with Strawberry, Raspberry, etc. if needed. As it stood, for a 50/50 dough/fried dough donut, with a delicious glazed coating, this one did exactly that, and never left you wanting. Feels perfectly donuty good @ **9.8/10**.

**Mango Mafia (Jungle Flavors) 12% (12-20-20)** – I’d heard from more than one user that this MM was their favorite, and I might just know why now. It’s a BOMB in MANGO form for sure. Admittedly I’m not a huge fruit’er, but this one, might have changed that. The mango was full, present, and in your face throughout the entire vape. It was full spectrum with dark, mid, and high end punch, so nothing was left out of this Mafia party. Def. a complex mix, and at times I couldn’t help but wonder if JF threw in some of their Honey Peach to this one, but that is not confirmed. Sweetness was maybe a tick above mid level, but not fatiguing, and I checked by blowing through two tester tanks on this one. A very natural tasting, full spectrum Mango is what you get with this one, and coming from a non-fruit guy, couldn’t go lower than **9.8/10** .

**Strawberry Bubble Gum (Jungle Flavors) 9.5% (12-21-20)** -- I've tried some ehh, and pretty bad bubblegums before, and thankfully this one, was neither. It actually presented as a very GOOD bubblegum, BUT, with a twist. The Strawberry. It was layered into the mix fairly low, so as not to overwhelm the bubblegum. The BBG was pink, accurate, and quite tasty, and it was very close to a "BubbleYum" flavor. The strawberry, while somewhat lower in the mix, did a really good job of shifting the bubble gum, but just a bit. Not an overpowering SB, dragging the gum along for the ride, but more of an accent TO the bubble gum. I think it was a wise, and different choice, and vaping it, throughout two tankfuls, it never wandered. Sweetness was about mid level, and great for a bubblegum, and even after 2 tanks, I couldn't pull any off-putting, or chemical notes out of it. You can't blow bubbles with this one, but you'd almost think you could. Very nice, not overly complex different take on bubble gum. **9.7/10**.

**Tiger's Blood (Jungle Flavors) 15% (12-22-20)** -- I smelled this one while mixing up this series, and did a double take. Wait, this is a Tiger's Blood ?? !!!! From the Flavor Jungle .............

> Add the sweet taste of a fruit cocktail with watermelon, cherry, kiwi, and honeydew to your next DIY recipe!

Wait, Cherry, Kiwi, and Honeydew ?? !! OK, this was NOT was I was used to in regards to a TB, so figured we'd close out this series with an enigma. Blasphemy or Godliness ?? I tried to check my "Reservations" at the door. I'm not sure if this will replace my more typical TB, but it was a fairly interesting fruit cocktail. I was picking up the WM, Cherry, Kiwi, and Honeydew, and as a blend, it WAS indeed, quite interesting. Nothing felt out of place in this (new to me) mashup, and it actually worked well. Sweetness was below mid level, and strangely enough, kept me interested throughout the tankful. Not being a huge fruit-ster, it takes a bit to get, and keep me interested in a fruit medley. This one had just enough tart, and sweet to keep it interesting, and the unexpected (to me) combination kept it that way. My favorite aspect of this one would probably be the tart cherry finish on it. Would I label this a TB ?? Probably not. Would I pick up a bottle ?? Yes. :slight_smile: Tartly at a **9.0/10**.

All in, an impressive showing from Jungle Flavors. Huge thanks out to them for sending these out to be reviewed. Some were expected but great, and a few surpises. Very worth picking some up.
