Moist Reonaut LV 28 Joined 30/8/14 Posts 80 Awards 15 Age 34 Location Pretoria 17/10/14 #1 Hey everyone! So as the topic says, I'm looking for some Kanthal in Pretoria. I'm specifically looking for some 26G/28G Kanthal. Let me know!
Hey everyone! So as the topic says, I'm looking for some Kanthal in Pretoria. I'm specifically looking for some 26G/28G Kanthal. Let me know!
BoogaBooga New Vaper Supporting Vendor LV 35 Joined 7/9/14 Posts 59 Awards 16 Age 44 Location Pretoria 17/10/14 #2 HI Moist I have stock at Vape King Pretoria of both 26G and 28G Regards Patrick