Kayfun Versus I G O - L : Initial Impressions


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Hi all

I thought I would share my initial impressions and views on the Kayfun 3.1 Clone versus the IGO-L Clone.

Some background first...
I have had the IGO-L for some time (about 2 months) and have loved this little device for its unbelievable flavour and stonking throat hit. It's very easy to build and I have experimented with coil positioning to find my sweet spot. Close to the edge and quite high up. I have it permanently on my SVD and it is my occasional dripping treat - a few times a day. It has also proven invaluable for tasting different juices, given how easy it is to wipe the deck and put in new cotton. I don't travel around with it. It stays on my desk at my home office.

However, it is a dripper, so I am on the hunt for a more convenient tank system with the same flavour and throat hit. At this stage I wouldn't want this device to become my all day vaping solution, just for the occasional session when I need a big hit. But without the hassle of dripping. It must just sit there and when I want it, I can grab it, take a few puffs and it can "last" for a while.

The above is important so the reader knows the angle I'm coming from.

I recently managed to get the Kayfun working nicely. In the past few days I have experimented with some coil builds and positioning. I think I have it set up nicely now for me so I am ready to give my initial impressions.

Here are the contenders:

Kayfun vs IGOL.jpg

ON THE LEFT - The Kayfun with a 1 ohm coil on the Nemesis:
- the Kayfun 3.1 clone has a 1 ohm mini coil (28g Kanthal, 6 wraps, approx 1.5mm ID) - raised coil for more TH
- Powering it is a Nemesis Mech Mod with a freshly charged AW IMR 2000 mah batt
- The fresh batt at 4.2 volts implies a power of around 17 Watts.
- I am using a flat plastic drip tip. I prefer plastic over metal.

ON THE RIGHT - The IGO-L with a 1.3 ohm coil on the SVD
- the IGO-L clone has a 1.3 ohm mini coil (28g Kanthal, 8 wraps, approx 1.5mm ID) - raised and near edge
- Powering it is the Innokin SVD electronic mod with a freshly charged Efest IMR 1600 mah batt
- I am vaping it at 13 Watts
- Delrin drip tip

The juice I have used is Five Pawns Bowdens Mate 12mg. I chose this because I know it well and it gives great throat hit and flavour.

If you ask, why compare a mech mod set up at 17 Watts to an electronic mod set up at 13 Watts, well the answer is so that I can compare them directly and vape one after the other.

Here are my impressions after side by side vaping

Flavour - I slightly prefer the IGO-L
It's really a close call. They are both very good. But they taste different. The IGO-L has slightly better flavour for me. The flavour tastes more natural. It is a denser flavour that is slightly richer than the Kayfun. While the Kayfun's flavour is very good I find it is slightly "hollow" and a bit distant. Hard to explain exactly. In audio terms, its a bit like the "hall" setting on a graphic equaliser. But it's still very good and perhaps this juice is more suited to the IGO-L or better suited to the lower 13 Watts of power. That said, I have vaped the Kayfun down to about 14 Watts (as the battery has run down on the Nemesis) and I maintain my view.

Throat hit - IGO-L wins
They both give good throat hit but for me the IGO-L wins. This was easier to call. With the coil position I have on the IGO-L, it is stonking. 2 puffs and I get a really satisfying tinge and pleasant burn in my throat. The mint flavour of Bowdens Mate works wonders here and it it is deeply satisfying. The Kayfun also packs a punch but it's smoother than the IGO-L. I have tried several coil heights from 1mm to about 3mm where I'd estimate it is now. The throat hit does increase as you go higher, but it just doesnt have that directness of the IGO-L. I suppose a lot has to do with the IGO-L coil being much closer to the drip tip than with the Kayfun.

Vapour - Kayfun pushes out more vapour
I am not too concerned with vapour. But for the record, in the current configuration, the Kayfun pushes out at least 50% more vapour than the IGO-L. I have experimented with the Kayfun's airflow control screw. I have tried to vary it across the range from very tight to very loose. I have it now about in the middle, which works for me. Interestingly, I noticed the whistling noise changes pitch as you adjust this screw.

Other observations and comments - to me, the Kayfun is a bit irritating and more tricky
- building a coil on the IGO-L is a breeze. On the Kayfun its more tricky. Those tiny screws make it difficult to grip the coil legs
- the Kayfun leaks occasionally - and I have tried to keep it upright. After a night of standing, I see tiny droplets of e-juice around the juice fill hole.
- Filling up the Kayfun is tricky. I have opted for the top fill method. Once or twice it didn't work so well and I got a bit of juice on my hands and running down the mod
- I find the IGO-L offers a more consistent vape from the time you drip to when it's time for another drip. It always behaves the same. The Kayfun has occasionally gurgled or gives a different taste on the first one or two puffs. A primer puff seems to sort that out. It does work well, but it has some nuances that you have to get used to.
- Overall, ease of use cannot be compared in my opinion - the IGO-L is much easier to use. I suppose with time one gets the hang of these Kayfun quirks, but still, I don't look forward to working with it as much as the IGO-L

Concluding remarks
I think it's quite clear that at this point my favourite is still the IGO-L.

But am I upset I got the Kayfun? Not at all. It's seems like a great device and it gives me an intense vape with the convenience of a tank. I am still getting used to it and think I just need to experiment more with it to see if the vape on it can be improved.

But at this stage, I am afraid that the Kayfun won't be displacing my IGO-L as my occasional "dripping treat".

Neither will I be using it on the move.

Supplier info
All the above products were obtained locally
- Kayfun, Nemesis, SVD and Five Pawns juice from VapeKing
- IGO-L from Vapesa.co.za
- AW Batteries from Cape Vaping Supplies
- Efest Batteries and Delrin drip tip from SkyBlueVaping
- Flat plastic drip tip from eciggies.co.za
That is a great review, not many people have the ability to stand objectively away from their vaping toys and tell it as it truly is. Love the additional supplier info. Well done and thank you for sharing.
Great work @Silver. Very fair and balanced.

I am really happy you got your nemesis and KF up and running - your patience and determination won the day
awesome review silver!!!!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Love how thourough Mr. Review a.k.a @Silver is, well done on another great one!

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
@Silver you take this review thing to another level... awesome review with a lot of effort going into it... I share your frustrations with the Kayfun Lite Plus... I think I may consider playing with the IGO-L after chatting to you on the phone and reading the review. I'll wait for a few days for the weekends folly vape mail to arrive first then think about the IGO-L. :oops:
good one @Silver

both have their place. the kayfun is just more convenient due to being a tank. i agree on all 3 points in the review.
Many thanks guys

I appreciate that you appreciate it.

I would not have been in the position to write this review without all of you! From my initial coil tutoring by @TylerD, to the suspense filled help on the forum the other night, helping me in near real-time to get things going on the Kayfun.

Phew, I was glad you agreed with my views @Tom. I know you are very familiar and experienced with both these devices. Actually, I know there are several of you that have both.
I am waiting on vape king to to get stock of the Igo W.

I have an L, but I lost the screws for it, so until I find new screws, or someone gets the W in stock, I-go-nowhere :D
The mere fact that an rba (kayfun) can be compared to a dripper (igol) is clearly showing that it's an impressive device.

As we know, drippers are usually in a class of their own
Thank you all for your acknowledgements

@Riaz , I guess you are right about that the Kayfun does well to compare closely to the dripper. I didn't see it that way and to be honest I thought before I started that the Kayfun would be much better. I suppose it's because it's a more popular device and more people talk about it.