Hozit guys
Just thought i would share my thoughts on Kendo vape cotton gold edition
Got this from Vape Cartel its the same price as bacon cotton. Personally Bacon cotton was my favorite wicking material for both tanks and drippers but i always had a bad cotton taste for the first little while also had to drop my wattage abit other wise i get a burnt taste once the first tank was done it would be perfect.
But now i found Kendo vape cotton gold edition i first put it in my Aromamizer and the difference was night and day, the flavor was cleaner and just over all alot better, and its super easy to work with
Then I decided to put some in my temple rda with bacon cotton in i tried Paulies Pistachio Ice Cream i just got the Ice cream but with the kendo vape cotton gold edition i get it all its really bring the juice to life, it changed my view on the juice.
Got to say if you have not got any yet get some from @KieranD at Vape Cartel

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Just thought i would share my thoughts on Kendo vape cotton gold edition
Got this from Vape Cartel its the same price as bacon cotton. Personally Bacon cotton was my favorite wicking material for both tanks and drippers but i always had a bad cotton taste for the first little while also had to drop my wattage abit other wise i get a burnt taste once the first tank was done it would be perfect.
But now i found Kendo vape cotton gold edition i first put it in my Aromamizer and the difference was night and day, the flavor was cleaner and just over all alot better, and its super easy to work with
Then I decided to put some in my temple rda with bacon cotton in i tried Paulies Pistachio Ice Cream i just got the Ice cream but with the kendo vape cotton gold edition i get it all its really bring the juice to life, it changed my view on the juice.
Got to say if you have not got any yet get some from @KieranD at Vape Cartel

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