I have found these great little plastic containers at Plastic Land in Woodmead that are great for storing batteries in. They are nearly the perfect size to hold 2x 18650s or 4x 18350s and some cotton, with no worries about sparking or shorting.
Depending on which end I place the positive side in, I know if the battery is charged
or not charged 
I went back today and found one size smaller and one size bigger, and they work really well to carry vape kit
Bottom right one is the one I have been using so far, and takes 2x 18650s and some cotton for wicking on the go.
The little one can take the KF3.1 and the drip tip, or 3x 18350s:
The big one takes the Nemesis and the KFL+. If you remove the button from the Magneto it can fit in there as well.

Depending on which end I place the positive side in, I know if the battery is charged
I went back today and found one size smaller and one size bigger, and they work really well to carry vape kit

Bottom right one is the one I have been using so far, and takes 2x 18650s and some cotton for wicking on the go.
The little one can take the KF3.1 and the drip tip, or 3x 18350s:

The big one takes the Nemesis and the KFL+. If you remove the button from the Magneto it can fit in there as well.