Menthol juice


Staying off cigs
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I've tried a few. But still can't find the one I'm looking for.
Who has found that menthol juice that hits like a bus? The feeling you have just inhaled a breath on top of mount Everest?
What was it?
Well, I'm not going to be of any use to you for sourcing locally, but I will say that menthol is one of the easiest to DIY.

You could take two approaches...

1) Start from scratch. Menthol flavour solutions are available anywhere DIY supplies are sold. Just mix it into whatever unflavoured base you like.

2) Add it to other juices. This is less effort - just add a few drops of menthol in solution to a tank or a few more into a bottle. It can take otherwise meh flavour and really give it some pop.

Either way, you can control how much menthol is used and dial in to your preferences. A little goes a long way, too - it's pretty powerful stuff.
I've tried a few. But still can't find the one I'm looking for.
Who has found that menthol juice that hits like a bus? The feeling you have just inhaled a breath on top of mount Everest?
What was it?

Hi @Nightwalker
I have found that the Menthol Ice juice from VM "hits like a bus" to use your analogy.
Tropical Ice is also great - has some added coconut.

For me, my "go to" fruity menthol is what I call "Strawberry Ice"
I start with VM's ready made Strawberry and I add about 10% of their VM Menthol concentrate.
To me that hits the spot for long restricted lung hits.
I vape it at low power (15W) on the Lemo1 and SubTank Mini

If you want to vape it at higher power on your Griffins I would imagine you just tone down the menthol to taste.

Hope it helps
Yeah I dripped my VM Tropical Ice when I first got it in an attempt to identify subtle flavours, swear to the gods it almost put a hole through the back of my head.