More Coil Wars - Subtank-only coils compared


OG vaper
Cape Town
Initially, I hated the Subtank and most Sub-Ohm tanks and have generally favoured RTA's and RDA's (probably why I only own 3 ST minis and a nano!). Then their coils improved slightly in V2, then I got 2 Trinity caps which I love and they made me want to vape on the STM again. Because the Trinity's are so pretty, comfortable, and I'm convinced improve flavour, I resisted buying the Target (and Dolphin and all the other Ceramics) in order to wait for STM ceramics.
For the past 4 days I've been having my own little Subtank Coil war. I'm testing:
  • New Kanger stock SSOCC, 0.5ohm with the 3 airholes. Note, the SS in these only refers to the housing. The coil is Kanthal (red orings - their ss coils have pink orings and aren't available locally yet to my knowledge)
  • New Kanger stock SSOCC Clapton Coil, 0.5ohm
  • Atom GCeramic for STM, 0.9ohm
  • Atom GClapton for STM, 0.3ohm
  • Unfortunately, I don't yet have Kanger's Ceramic coil or any other Ceramic to compare
Kanger Stock SSOCC, 0.5Ohm
I'm impressed. The flavour is very good - better than I was expecting. The extra wicking hole is working because it's doing well with chain vaping 80%VG juices (the test for all of the coils), and compared to the last version of this I have (with 2 wicking holes) the flavour seems more saturated. Vapour production as per any stock 0.5ohm coil from Kanger. The negative for me is longevity. Granted, it's much better than the first version of their stock coil, but it's nothing like the ceramics I'm hearing about. Depending on usage, I give these coils 3-4 (5 with a stretch), days of moderate vaping. It's not a gradual decrease in quality - it's more like it's working like new, then it's not, and you suddenly start getting a small amount of "after-burn" and cotton mouth (not dry hits though - change coil before then). Btw, I HATE after-burn/sizzle

Kanger SSOCC Clapton, 0.5Ohm
Quick and easy priming, these pack a bigger punch than the stock coils even at the same 0.5ohm rating. I find mod readings on the stock coils always quite a bit higher than 0.5 (sometimes even north of 0.7 ohms as I've been able to use a few "0.5ohm" SSOCC on a Provari which is extremely accurate and doesn't fire under 0.7) - but the Claptons are closer to 0.55ohms, and I haven't had one above 0.6.
I'm getting ALOT of throat hit from these. That is the thing that stands out so far. Good for some, but for me t's a little much, being so used to a gentle 3mg or less. I'd put my head on a block that I was vaping 6mg if I didn't know better. Flavour - I honestly don't get any improved flavour from their stock coil. About equal - which is pretty damned good. They just hit harder than stock and you can push more power through them

Atom GCeramic, 0.9Ohm
I'm only on day 2. This is a very different experience. My better half, who coughs up a lung every time she puffs on anything I vape other than a MTL Reo/Cyclone, can only really do her Nautilus mini, MTL. I have been trying to upgrade her gear for ages. And now, I can finally replace the Nautilus with a toptank nano. She's enjoying this coil a lot. I can see how some might think it doesn't work or performs very poorly, but once I wrapped my head around this being something different, I started enjoying the coil. Flavour - I don't know how so many people are saying they are getting no flavour. I put in a juice that I know and like a lot (DripTheHype French Toast Crunch). The flavour, for me, has been very good, especially at 30W. I drip this liquid and have it running in a Reo/Cyclone as well. I primed the old-school way - juice into the wicking holes, a few drops into the coil, but I waited a good 4 hours before I vaped it, at a low 20W initially. Meh. Whispy vapour and almost non-functional. There was something odd in taste at the beginning too. Not disgusting, just a light "something funny" going on. That stopped after about 2ml of liquid. There is no throat hit whatsoever. It's quite silent. It has a ramp-up time. A good couple of seconds if its cold. When you can hear the coil, start vaping. Now, it's a suitable MTL coil for me, but I'm actually, at least partially, lung hitting at 30w. A super slow, long, gentle draw produces decent vapour. Less than the other coils in the list, but more than you think after the draw because it's so damn gentle/smooth. Looooong slow draws are really working for me with this coil. If you are a RM2 or Cyclone fan, this is worth testing. I've only tried 2 coils so far, but both seem to perform the same. I vape in my office, but I don't blow clouds at work by any means. That's just rude. This coil is a good choice for me to take with my Reo's to the office as it's stealthy, silent, and modest on vapour production. But I must say, I'm getting good flavour. It really does surprise me to see so many getting no flavour and it suggests inconsistency in the coils - I just don't see how someone could be vaping the same thing I am, and not getting flavour. When I left it overnight (last night) I found it to be performing better the next day (today). The vape is not cool any more, but slightly warmer. Vapour production is respectable - better than yesterday. Wicking - when chain-vaping, I sense that it's struggling a bit to keep up (80%VG) and have sucked-with-closed-airholes twice today to avoid dry hits. As long as longevity is good, I see myself buying these again, if anything to use my Trinity's and maybe even the Provari which has been shelved for so long. And also for HRH's new top tank nano! Although, at 20W, I don't think that's enough. At least 25 is required but like I said, I'm settled on 30w with these guys. Longevity - we'll wait and see. I'll report back.

Atom GClapton, 0.3Ohm
For me, by far the most disappointing of the bunch. I've tried 2 - both gave me the same issues. After-burn/sizzle from word "Go", and I find myself constantly closing the air holes and sucking, in fear of the dry-hit looming. Taste-wise - I can taste my juice, but the vape has been, well, "cottony". The stock SSOCC has been running in tandem with this coil a lot, and there's just no comparison in the flavour department, with the stock coil smashing this GClapton. The SSOCC clapton has also performed better imo, although I don't really see any reason to re-purchase those either. I probably had the highest hopes for these ones, maybe that's why I'm extra disappointed in them, but very happy I didn't commit to buying them in numbers before trying out one or two first. Longevity - well, didn't like them from the first day so I don't really know. I gave them about 4 days each of testing I'd say, then I stopped using them. But the performance was about the same - no better or worse after 4 days. I'd guess that longevity is better than the stock SSOCC.

Coils aren't quite as subjective as juices. We can't possibly be having such radically different experiences, whether GCeramics, GClaptons, Target... There must be inconsistencies between coils, at least to a certain degree.
For me, the two I will repurchase are the New SSOCC Stock coils with 3 wicking holes, and the Ceramics (provided longevity is good) - which also have their place in my vaping habits and routine. The Kanger Claptons aren't bad at all - but maybe I'll prefer these when I eventually switch to zero nic because I'm not loving the extra throat hit on 3mg juices.
Ceramics - I'll definitely be trying more. The Kanger Ceramics for sure, and I'll probably cave and get a Target as well, unless something newer, shinier and better comes up before I pull the trigger on that. I'm just waiting for a B&M in CT to get stock
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Very cool breakdown. I have gotten 3 dud coils off the new SSOC stock. My subtanks are officially retired. I stood in the shop about to buy another 5 pack when I just went "screw this give me a Griffin"

2 coils a week... not cool. It is a major pity. Because as you say when they work, along with that narrow little chimney on the Suntanks, the flavor is incredible.

My first new school SSOCC coil lasted about 21 tank refills. And the flave was unreal. Been a consistent step down coil for coil.

Which sucks as I just upgraded my GF to a Nano also. She's been rocking a Melo till now.

Coil performance of late downgraded the Nano from one of my favorite tanks to something I will feel bad to sell TBH.

Perhaps these ceramics are the save I need!!!

Thanks again for the thorough report!
I would just like to say what @KB_314 has reported on the Atom gCeramic 0.9ohm coil I agree and concur 100%
Awesome report back @KB_314! Between you and Dave I will have to try the gCeramic again (just not today) and take it slow and give it a chance... maybe I need to vape it for a full tank or more... I just gave up because it was just a kak vape from the start compared to the Target Tank.
I just gave up because it was just a kak vape from the start ..............
Sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but it struck me really funny. I would have loved to have been there, just to see your face :D
Sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but it struck me really funny. I would have loved to have been there, just to see your face :D

I should have videoed it... I didn't enjoy it one bit but the rest of you would have enjoyed seeing my unhappiness! :confused:
Awesome report back @KB_314! Between you and Dave I will have to try the gCeramic again (just not today) and take it slow and give it a chance... maybe I need to vape it for a full tank or more... I just gave up because it was just a kak vape from the start compared to the Target Tank.
Thanks @Rob Fisher - hopefully it lasts longer than the other STM coils. I think I'll have to try the Target as well. Expected shortly at VC CT :)
I've been on a rampage of late trying to fill the gap in my heart that is the RTA P67 I stupidly didn't pull the trigger on :mad: But that's for another thread!
OK set up a new coil and let it soak overnight... and as suggested started off on a lower wattage (12-20 as opposed to 30 where i was starting)... it is a lot better but I get a perfumed taste which is just awful and I'm not sure I will be able to vape through this.... but I will try... I'm also doing slower and longer hits...
gC 001.JPG
Recently also brought my subtank mini and nano out of retirement and got a pack of the Clapton SSOCC. Very similar to the standard square OCC, as mentioned you can throw more power at them but anything over 50w is bordering on a dry hit with not much flavour and cloud improvement.

The Claptons also seem to be 'flooding' as I get alot of tiny bubbles escaping on most hits. Could be dud coils...

Will be permanently retiring my subtanks after this pack is out.

Ceramic wise will be waiting for the Vaporesso Gemini Tank with the 0.5 ohm coils.
OK set up a new coil and let it soak overnight... and as suggested started off on a lower wattage (12-20 as opposed to 30 where i was starting)... it is a lot better but I get a perfumed taste which is just awful and I'm not sure I will be able to vape through this.... but I will try... I'm also doing slower and longer hits...
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Hmmm. I also filled up another tank/GCeramic combo last night. Just took a few pulls now. I'm also getting a strange taste from this coil - I had it in the other two, but considering this one was left for the longest before vaping I thought it would be less, not more. This is definitely stronger in taste than the other ones.
Anyhow, I will also try and push through because in the other two I have going, that taste is gone.
But, and this is strange, this new coil has almost no ramp-up time compared to the last two, running at 30W. Side by side, the new one starts immediately, while the old one seems to take two seconds before it gets going, with a "sucking" kind of high pitched sound for the first two seconds - pretty much as it's always performed.
Another new observation, people are not going to like this one... Last night I thought the coil was over-saturated because I was starting to get gurgling and a little juice in my mouth. The problem didn't go away. Not crazy amounts of juice, but with the Trinity you can see it coming up the chimney and there was a fair amount at points. I don't think it's the coils necessarily, I think the issue may be the Trinity tank (I also get this on the SSOCC coils but only when they are nearing the end of their life cycle). Using the regular STM tank, there's no more gurgling on the same coils. I'm not 100% certain yet, but so far thats what it looks like. The chimney might be fractionally narrower and it could be juice getting in from the top of the coil (at the coil o-ring). Will report back. Maybe a chunkier coil oring would sort it out but as soon as I have to Macguyver something to work, I'm generally out.
The SSOCC Clapton and SSOCC Stock still performing well today. Flavour is great on both. There is very slight after-sizzle on the Clapton, but only very slight. Maybe I'm just getting used to the Clapton extra throat hit but it seems to be bothering me less today. And I have one last GClapton which I was hoping to give another chance... but I seem to have run out of tanks!
Recently also brought my subtank mini and nano out of retirement and got a pack of the Clapton SSOCC. Very similar to the standard square OCC, as mentioned you can throw more power at them but anything over 50w is bordering on a dry hit with not much flavour and cloud improvement.

The Claptons also seem to be 'flooding' as I get alot of tiny bubbles escaping on most hits. Could be dud coils...

Will be permanently retiring my subtanks after this pack is out.

Ceramic wise will be waiting for the Vaporesso Gemini Tank with the 0.5 ohm coils.

To me it looks like the Subtanks only save is to get the V2 RBA deck. What a crying shame. Because putting it up against a Griffin is just cruel. Also have my eye on the Gemini, but in the end I think I will get the Crius instead. I am pretty tired of coil hassles. Just get some Gasphase staged claptons and a pack of bacon and it is perfect toot after perfect toot. From all the reports ceramic does NOT have me convinced yet. I will give it the rest of the year, bound to be some incredible refinements on the way.
Looks like retiring Subtanks will not be an option for you eh... quite a subbie collection there.
That's exactly why I'm scared to try the Target :eek:
I don't know how this happened - I've never loved this tank - and I've sold 2 V1's as well??!
:mad: They all have issues.
I'm switching to "tried-and-tested" for the rest of the weekend..
Been following this thread with interest, great to get such feedback from the chaps. Have not seen much mention of the 0.5 Atom gClaptons for the sub tank mini, of which I stocked up on whilst in UK on a recent trip. I find generally they are excellent, but have encountered a few coils which have a definite dry, or cottony taste to them, even though I prime all coils I have used in a similar fashion. Any other users of this coil experienced the same? I would estimate I have had around 2 out of every 10 coils used to have behaved in this fashion. On a slightly different note, I can definitely attest to the V2 RBA section of sub tank mini being superior to the V1, without doubt.
Been following this thread with interest, great to get such feedback from the chaps. Have not seen much mention of the 0.5 Atom gClaptons for the sub tank mini, of which I stocked up on whilst in UK on a recent trip. I find generally they are excellent, but have encountered a few coils which have a definite dry, or cottony taste to them, even though I prime all coils I have used in a similar fashion. Any other users of this coil experienced the same? I would estimate I have had around 2 out of every 10 coils used to have behaved in this fashion. On a slightly different note, I can definitely attest to the V2 RBA section of sub tank mini being superior to the V1, without doubt.
I hate you @Neal ;):p
Now I will have to try that one last GClapton I have. My first two have both been "cottony" and disappointing. 2 out of 10 you say... ok, that makes my next coil safe - I shall report back!
I def agree with you on the STM v2 RBA, although I have had mixed luck myself and eventually stopped using it (finding that RTA's were doing a better job of being RTA's). And from what I've heard, the v2 is also much better than the v3 which apparently has smaller wicking holes again??

Edit: oh, I see you're talking about the 0.5's - I have only tried the 0.3's. Still though, might have to test that last coil against your numbers
I hate you @Neal ;):p
Now I will have to try that one last GClapton I have. My first two have both been "cottony" and disappointing. 2 out of 10 you say... ok, that makes my next coil safe - I shall report back!
I def agree with you on the STM v2 RBA, although I have had mixed luck myself and eventually stopped using it (finding that RTA's were doing a better job of being RTA's). And from what I've heard, the v2 is also much better than the v3 which apparently has smaller wicking holes again??

Edit: oh, I see you're talking about the 0.5's - I have only tried the 0.3's. Still though, might have to test that last coil against your numbers
Mate, hope you come right with your next gclapton, let us know how you fare. I was not even aware of a V3 version of rba so shall bow to your superior knowledge on this subject. I personally think the Clapton coil should of been named the Hendrix coil, but just my subjective view. Would have ensured a bit more colour and a lot more volume...
Update: my better half has reverted to her trusted Nautilus mini. The GCeramic in her tank seemed to lose flavour today, all flavour, and there was an odd and unpleasant taste instead. I wouldn't have been able to tell what juice was in the tank. In terms of her upgrade, my next attempt will be the new Kayfun lite (with me building her coils, naturally) if she entertains it. Just worried they will stop making coils for the nauti mini eventually!
WRT Ceramics: I'm even a little hesitant to get a Target with so many complaints about coil inconsistencies. This feels like round one of the DNA40 with TC. I'll wait it out.