New Thread drafts, where are they?


Loafing since 2013
Cape Town, South Africa
I was busy with a long new post and saved drafts a few times. Long short my browser tab jumped elsewhere and when I back arrowed my post is gone.
I dont see anything in my profile, is there any way to recover my draft msg.
I was busy with a long new post and saved drafts a few times. Long short my browser tab jumped elsewhere and when I back arrowed my post is gone.
I dont see anything in my profile, is there any way to recover my draft msg.

Currently drafts are autosaved every 60 seconds, and stored for 48 hours

PS: Edits don't save drafts.
Thanks, but where? how do I recover the new thread post I was busy with?

From Mike.. xenforo developer
"Auto save drafts

While you are typing a message, every X seconds (currently 60), a draft of your message will be saved. If you reload the page later, your message will be automatically re-shown. Drafts will be automatically pruned over time.
Each draft is associated with a particular piece of content, such as a thread, forum, or conversations. A draft reply that you start working on in thread 1 will not be shown to thread 2 and so forth."

Based on my own similar experience with a new thread, I don't think you can recover it.
Good question @blujeenz
I know when you are busy typing a post in an existing thread and you dont post it, when you come back to that thread, your draft is still there

Not sure about when you make a new thread. I know what you mean.

Maybe try make a new thread again in that forum and it might magically appear. If i discover anything i will let you know
From Mike.. xenforo developer
"Auto save drafts

While you are typing a message, every X seconds (currently 60), a draft of your message will be saved. If you reload the page later, your message will be automatically re-shown. Drafts will be automatically pruned over time.
Each draft is associated with a particular piece of content, such as a thread, forum, or conversations. A draft reply that you start working on in thread 1 will not be shown to thread 2 and so forth."

Makes sense @Alex, so @blujeenz 's draft new thread must be associated with the forum it was started in. Just dont know how one would see it by just going to that forum
As an example, on Instructables if you're busy with a new post and save a draft, it saves as an unfinished work in your profile.
Here there is no drafts folder per se, so basically I guess I'll have to start over. That save drafts button fooled me.
Guess I'd better go make coffee and vape some #32 till the sudden onset of Tourettes subsides. :)
I just tested that now @blujeenz
I started a new thread in this forum and typed a sentence
Then after a while, i exited and tried to get it back by going to that forum but ai couldnt see it
I tried to make a new thread (thinking it would prepopulate the box with my old sentence) but it didnt

Have you tried that though?
Great to hear!
Now we know
Got to say its easier on the heart to run MS word, copy and pasting, and a separate firefox window to check youtube vids. :)