New year Vape resolutions for 2016


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
A year is a long time but here are my "vape goals" for 2016

  • To try sample lots of new delicious local juices. I am way behind here ;-)
  • To properly test temp control.
  • To get a P67 (new Reo model) and maybe the O16 atty that haunts me
  • To refresh my battery fleet. Jeepers, thats going to cost a lot :eek:
  • To continue helping my wife in all things vape related - as she continues on her journey
  • To help create a magical 2016 on ECIGSSA!

I always never achieve them, this coming year I will change my goals with a different strategy - if I don't achieve same, I will not feel that bad at all ;):

  • Eat more junk food
  • Get fatter
  • Discard my Reo and take up smoking
  • Don't touch water and drink more Oros
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I want to get to 15 juices I love.
Learn to use my DNA200.
Not miss a Vape Meet in 2016.
Get to a Vape Con in the USA.
Make sure ECIGSSA stays the awesome place and family it is and grow it even more!
Have a little more restraint when new tanks and devices come out.
Continue to share the gospel according to the Vape!
Excellent @Rob Fisher

By the sounds of things, I think you will make it to 15 juices you like

But that second last goal.... Uhm.... Not so sure.... Hehe
Vape Related:

1. Not sell my car/house/household-goods to fund my vape gear purchasing addiction
2. Convince my Mrs evolve from a Twisp Edge to something more decent
3. Vape 0mg joose (Already came down this year from 12mg to 3mg)
4. Steep my juice in advance (always running out last minute and needing to buy some; defeating the purpose of DIY)
5. Spend less time in the Classifieds of this forum

Not Vape Related:

1. Buy a jumping castle (not for my 2 kids, but for me - those things are awesome)
2. Not sell my car/house/household-goods to fund any sort of upcoming addiction
3. Go to the freakin gym and stop wasting the R500 a month (at least I took the first step to opening a contract right... right)

God forbid if something happens and I am unable to log onto this forum later, would like to wish each of you a very Happy and Blessed New Year. Dont drink/drip and drive.
Buy a brand spanking new Evic vtc mini
Start to make my own juices
Try to convert the rest of my smoking friends... 1down this year ;)
Vape Related:

1. Not sell my car/house/household-goods to fund my vape gear purchasing addiction
2. Convince my Mrs evolve from a Twisp Edge to something more decent
3. Vape 0mg joose (Already came down this year from 12mg to 3mg)
4. Steep my juice in advance (always running out last minute and needing to buy some; defeating the purpose of DIY)
5. Spend less time in the Classifieds of this forum

Not Vape Related:

1. Buy a jumping castle (not for my 2 kids, but for me - those things are awesome)
2. Not sell my car/house/household-goods to fund any sort of upcoming addiction
3. Go to the freakin gym and stop wasting the R500 a month (at least I took the first step to opening a contract right... right)

God forbid if something happens and I am unable to log onto this forum later, would like to wish each of you a very Happy and Blessed New Year. Dont drink/drip and drive.

Lol, that's classic @Cespian
When you get it, you need to take a picture of you in the jumping castle with your vape gear!
I want to get to 15 juices I love.
Learn to use my DNA200.
Not miss a Vape Meet in 2016.
Get to a Vape Con in the USA.
Make sure ECIGSSA stays the awesome place and family it is and grow it even more!
Have a little more restraint when new tanks and devices come out.
Continue to share the gospel according to the Vape!
Perhaps we need a new thread to discuss the initial setup and configurations going forward with the rolo dna 200. We have a few enthusiasts with the dna 200 and we can all benefit from each others input thus assisting you in achieving one of your goals.
Agreed. We need to stop this madness called buying less vape gear. Saying no to new gear is like refusing sex.

Sorry dude, saying no to new vape gear is like saying no to new vape gear. Sex is like so mediocre now.

(Ok, I'm lying, but not really lying :-D)
Sorry dude, saying no to new vape gear is like saying no to new vape gear. Sex is like so mediocre now.

(Ok, I'm lying, but not really lying :-D)
Sex mediocre coming from the man who wants a jumping castle?
I forsee a new movie coming out called the bouncy house XXX. :-D:-D:-D
- Get SWAMBO off the stinkies
- Spend less on vaping lol
- Be more positive by:
- Avoiding the news, especially local politics...and sports
- Add something new to the business
I would like to try more local brands.
Come up with at least two killer DIY tobaccos.
Rebuild my Reo to raw tumbled.
Get the new Reo.

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* Cut down buying Vape Gear by 90%
* Perfect my DIY
* Have a more positive outlook on life - S..... Happens, if it's not 1 thing it'll be another thing :rock:
* Get out more and experience the 1 thing that's free ... life :dance:

Wishing you all the best that life may offer in 2016. Be safe.
Sorry dude, saying no to new vape gear is like saying no to new vape gear. Sex is like so mediocre now.

(Ok, I'm lying, but not really lying :-D)

Having been single for almost 4 years, I'm starting to feel like a high school student again, I wasn't getting any back then either. So my only goal for 2016 is to get laid :D