So I'm new very new and not very clued up on these things but today I bought the OBS CRUIS tank. I you tubes how to build the coil and managed to build a dual coil that the subox mini tells me is 0.4ohms. I've read that the coils take some time to run in so I've vaped my first tank at sub 20w. I will say the cloud is very good even at such low watts at least for what I've experienced. The other tanks I own are the sub tank and the ijust2 subtank runs a 1.2 ohm occ coil and the I just runs the .5ohm coil. The tank has adjustable air and juice flow options. An odd top fill option but one can take the tank off the coil while the ta is full. I don't know if anyone else has used this tank but for the first day it's a great improvement to the subtank and its leaky seals