Having heard more and more about this company, and not seeing a lot of detailed information on them, I decided to take some of them on. OSDIY offers both Blends (One-Shots) and Single Flavors, so I decided to do a few of each.
All will be mixed at the listed percentages, and tested on the SteamCrave RDTA v.1 with dual Kanthal, 7 wrap vertical coils, with fresh cotton and dry burned coils in between tests. Will start out with a 1 week steep and see how they fare.
**Baked Cinnamon Roll (OSDIY) 8% (11-13-20)** -- Whew, this is a single flavor ?? !!!! POW !!!!! This one, felt like it SHOULD have been a One-Shot. Completely finished, well rounded, and RIGHT what it said, it was. If you've used Flavor West's Cinnamon Roll, or CAP's Cinnamon Danish Swirl, you NEED to try this one. Leaves both of them IN the dust, and I'm still trying to figure out why. Immediately upon vaping it, I knew it was very unique, and different. Was it the cinna, the roll, or both ? I think probably both. The cinnamon was perfectly suited for a cinna roll, and did indeed remind me of the type you'd get in a can of pop open cinna rolls from the store. Somehow OSDIY was able to almost capture the sugar crystals in it too. The roll was super accurate, and I don't remember ever tasting this "bakery" note before. It almost reminded me of how accurate LA's Cream Cheese Icing was. Combining the two, really just knocked it out of the park. @8% it was plenty present, and could even be lowered, and probably wouldn't suffer much. Some buttery elements could be found in there, but they were not the main focus. Sweetness was about mid level, and the accuracy and overall presentation could not be ignored. No sour or metallic notes in the cinna, no overly yeasty notes in the roll, just plain simple, and good. Thus far, I can safely say if you like Cinnamon Rolls, and aren't super thrilled with the ones on your rack now, pick this one up. **9.9/10**.
**Wild CherryLicious (OSDIY) 4% (11-13-20)** -- Some of the more recent Cherries I've tested have been very good, and it seems (finally) flavor companies are starting to get it right. As a single flavor from OSDIY this one was also on the right track. At 4%, nothing off-putting, floral, soapy, or medicinal, so those are great hurdles to clear. It favored an artificial cherry but had some authentic notes in there as well. It appeared to be a Mara/Black Cherry mix, and leaned towards the brighter high end, with some mid notes. Despite emptying an entire tank of it, I couldn't find any faults with it, and at 4% it was fairly full, but overall the flavor felt thin. It wasn't that it was bad, just felt as if it was missing some body overall. I'm not sure if boosting it would improve that or not, and it MIGHT be able to carry all of the cherry weight in a mix, but could probably use some help. Slightly tart on the finish, and mid level sweet, it was a pretty good solo vape. Only minor take-offs for lacking some fullness and body, but don't let that stop you from trying it out. Felt rock solid @ **9/10**.
**Blends / One-Shots

**Blue Note (OSDIY) 10% (11-13-20)** -- As this one was steeping, I thought of a juice I bought WAY back in the beginning of time from Mt. Baker Vapor, Blue Moo. I think it was supposed to be Blueberries and Cream, but it was more like plastic (no offense to MBV, they helped a LOT of vapers get vaping, along with Johnson Creek, and others). GREAT news is, Blue Note did NOT taste like plastic !!!!! It presented as a damned tasty Blueberries and Cream. Now I had thought about NOT saying that, as that was overly simple, and this "blend" was more than that. I was getting at least two BB's, a darker, and a brighter, and the creams which were slightly sweetened riding throughout the ride. No BA or sour in these creams, just a good slightly sweet sled for the BB's to ride on. At 10% this felt really good, and it could probably be even used higher or lower. I wouldn't call it an "in your face" flavor at 10%, but plenty present. I knew I liked it when the first tester tank ran dry, and I still hadn't written the review yet LOL. Finishing the second tank, and the review by calling this one a BB and C, but more than that, and in a very addictive way. Handily a **9.2/10**.
**Butterscotch Malt (OSDIY) 10% (11-13-20)** -- First one on deck for this new flavor brand for me, was the BS Malt blend (aka One Shot). I wasn't sure what to expect with these "blends", and this first one, did impress. It was indeed a full, rich, and tasty butterscotch, but with something more. The "malt" was clearly present, but not in an overwhelming way. The interesting thing was, I wasn't getting exactly a malted milk, or a malted shake per se, but it still did convey that somehow. A rather interesting addition, and hard to fully quantify or explain, but, it worked really good here. The BS was nice and full at 10%, rich, with some buttery-ness to it, and sweetness was almost mid level. The malt was really the bermuda triangle in this one, and at times it felt almost creamy, other times almost bakery-ish, and it really DID make for an interesting vape. Being new to OSDIY, and having only tested one "blend" thus far, I assume they are meant to be stand alone "One Shots" and if so, this one could indeed stand on it's own. Clearly you could mix with it as well, and I think the really uniqueness of the Malt would allow for some interestingly new mixes. Couldn't find any take offs, and the malt continued to be a happy mystery from the beginning of the tank, to the end. Pretty impressive first blend for me, and hopefully sets the tone for the rest of the blends on deck for testing. You can always tell when you like a tester, when you all of a sudden realize the tanks empty !!! Starting out these testers, this one felt really good at a high **9.3/10**.
**Choco-Yum Cake (OSDIY) 10% (11-20-20)** -- If a delicious chocolate cake was easy, EVERYONE would be doing it !!! Sadly that is NOT the case. OSDIY stepped up however, and did this one some real justice with their Choco-Yum Cake. The chocolate defied an absolute classification, as it wasn't a Milk Chocolate, or a Dark Chocolate, but somewhere in between, but leaned darker more than lighter. It was perfectly suited, and balanced for a cake profile. The cake itself was also somewhat of a mystery, as it had def. cake elements, but almost cupcake elements in there as well. Although not clearly identifiable, there was some creaminess in the mix, which could have just as easily been whipped cream thrown in for good measure. @ 10%, it was a satisfying mix, and I decided to toss back a full tank before collecting my thoughts. No off-putting notes, and with a mid level sweetness, it was smooth and tasty on the palate. You could surely ADV this as is, as it really didn't feel lacking. The choco to cake ratio was perfect for me with somewhat of a 35% choco 65% cake which allowed both to play their parts, without being overwhelmed. The cake leaned towards a yellow, but not a pure yellow, and the cupcake elements I was picking up, worked perfectly to boost the cake profile. In total, this was a very tasty, convincing Chocolate blended with an equally convincing cake, that paired together nicely, and didn't leave you wanting. **9.75/10**.
**Lotta Latte (OSDIY) 10% (11-14-20)** -- With this one being one of the more used, and known flavors from OSDIY, I was curious to see how it fared. I could tell from the first vape, why that was the case. Very rich and delicious caramel, and creamy mix with a darker coffee bean carrier. The coffee notes were very good, leaned darker, but with none of the bitterness or acidity that sometimes accompanies them. Espresso ?? Italian Roast ?? It didn't really favor any particular one, but the end result was a good, darker, roasted bean coffee that although fairly present in the mix, never overwhelmed it. The caramel and cream notes as well, never left your palate when vaping, but perfectly sat in the mix. Sweetness was a tick above mid level, and that suited this flavor. OSDIY was able to temper any (if any) rough edges of the darker bean roast with the caramel and cream, as finishing more than one tank led to no distress LOL. I've had some issues in the past with FA's delicious Espresso, which was great, but rougher on the palate. All in, this one was a fairly complex darker roasted coffee, with a smart caramel pairing, and soothing creameries all in the mix. Even after two tester tanks, couldn't find a fault with it. Pushing it up to a **9.85/10**.
**Lucky Shot (OSDIY) 10% (11-20-20)** -- This flavor being one of the three last in this series, I decided to let steep an extra week, as I could tell they were more complex, and/or tobacco (i.e. the RJ4). As expected, this one presented as much more of a complex arrangement. I read some of the reviews, looked at how it was being used, but found almost NO mention of a particular note that I was picking up, so maybe, just maybe, this review will break new ground here. It did present as a "bakery" of sorts, and the main elements were Graham, Vanilla, Caramel, and Cream, but the secret here, is a Bourbon, and I assume a Bourbon Cream. THAT, is what I didn't really see mentioned anywhere else. The more I vaped it, the more I knew, there WAS Bourbon Cream in there !!! As a whole, it was very good, smartly thought out, and executed. The strongest notes, were the Graham, Bourbon Cream, and maybe the Caramel. Even with those three, it was a tasty pairing with the subtle notes, just adding to it. I found the Graham to be most present on the inhale, and the Bourbon the most on the exhale. It stayed very interesting throughout the tank, and I can see why it's one of the more popular flavors from OSDIY. Could surely stand on it's own, or easily be used in countless basses and push/pulled from there. None of the profiles overwhelmed the mix, and it felt good at 10%. Sweetness was mid-level, maybe a tick lower, and nothing stood out as not belonging here. All in, even though I'm not a HUGE Bourbon fan, it's uniqueness and tasty-ness could not be ignored. Solid at a **9.5/10**.
**RJ4 (OSDIY) 10% (11-20-20)** -- Last one on deck !!!! Despite NOT using a lot of RY4's in my day to day, I do enjoy them, so this RJ4 raised my curiosity. J ?? While an oversimplification, this one was like an excellent RY4 with a double dose of rich, buttery, caramel. I mean basically, that's IT. Rich, buttery, caramel were the main top notes, with some lower end RY4 notes. To my tastes, any bacco notes were much lower in the mix, and not being a huge bacco fan, that suited my palate, but if you are a bacco craver, be advised, this favors the caramel. Very rich and full at this weight, and in no way pushing the ceiling. Making it through an entire tester affirmed that you COULD indeed solo this one. Sweetness was about mid level, and it was not fatiguing. Finishing out my first series with OSDIY, this one ended it with a bang, as the utter rich, caramel-y-ness of this one, could not be overstated, and it was delish. If you love a good caramel, you will love this one. Good thing for me, I love Caramels !!!! No takedowns for lower bacco notes, as it was not billed at an RY. Feels delicious at **9.8/10**.
**Mexican Fried Ice Cream (OSDIY) 10% (11-14-20)** -- Every time I've eaten MFIC, it's always got an almost indescribable aspect to it, but you know it once you've had it. So, DID OSDIY manage to capture that mystical thing ?? Most times MFIC is a scoop of VIC, rolled in cinnamon sugar, then rolled in corn flakes, and fried. Smelling this one, you can almost pick out those exact ingredients, and it carried over to the vape. At 10% it was nice and full, and the medley was delicious. Not blurry, but delicious. A nice Vanilla Cream, with some bakery, and a little cinnamon on the top. Just the way it's supposed to be. If you're a cinna hater, fear not, it's not overpowering, just "in there". I blew through an entire tank before I knew it, and found nothing that didn't belong. Sweetness was about mid level, and it was indeed a keeper, and could be vaped as it, with nothing else needed. I can't remember craving a MFIC, but now that I've had a great one, I am LOL. Handily @ **9.5/10**.