Bear with me I am going to use some stock pics.
I am also going to stick to the RTA mode for now.
I got this tank from my mate who won a prize at the vape meet. He gave it to me. I had never heard of it before, so google being your friend I asked and was shocked at the first review I watched. This guy hated this tank and I mean he slammed it.
Well he must have been high on black market THC and VIT E because my experience of it has been nothing but positive.
How does it vape ? I have put through more than a dozen tanks of juice since I set it up on Sunday morning and purposely used different flavours. Notwithstanding that I did not like each flavour, the tank performs flawlessly, the vapour production is very good using the aliens that I also got and at 0.14 for the pair. So how does it do this and what is so different ?
Firstly the tank sits on top and the juice is loaded by unscrewing the top cap to reveal a kidney shape port. Inside the tank is what I call the UFO lid which has a number of round holes through which the juice can flow.
The deck is a Velocity style two post four hole with a UFO on top. The UFO has four openings which are effectively your wicking ports. After loading in the coils, you wick them by taking the cotton and placing in the wicking ports upwards. The UFO has a small recess where you cut your cotton to level and dam up the juice flow holes. When the cap and tank is screwed on the UFO lid holes now sit on top of the cotton and allow a gravity feed to the wicks. It's different for sure, it's like an upside down RDTA. A reviewer said he got no flavour, well he must be smoking his socks because this is equal to my Blitzen and Vapefly mesh as far as flavour goes. There are four bottom airflows that allow for good adjustment and with a RDL type draw for me it was punching strong. 810 drip tip , that I normally don't like, but I don't mind this one at all. The draw is really good and with a 4ml tank on top beats the 2ml RDTA gear I have.
NO DRY HITS, well this makes sense, as long as you have juice in the tank, which you can see very well, then gravity will be your friend along with a little positive pressure from the tank then those wicks are fed all the time.
Wicking by the way was easy and by no means as difficult as some reviewers made it out to be. I used no special tools and late last night I took off the tank while still full of juice, did a quick rinse and clean on the deck and rewicked with some Cotton bacon (the first wick was muji). I just turned the whole thing upside down and just using my pointy scissors wicked it like any other tank that has a wicking port. Judging the cotton is easy as you basically just cut it just above flush with the UFO deck and then fluff to make sure the holes are dammed up. It is my usual practice to prime the cotton when I rewick. For shits and giggles this time I did not and was expecting a bit of new cotton taste but I wanted to see how that cotton wicked without being primed. Gotta tell ya, there was no fooling this tank, that cotton wicked by the time I cleaned up and put my stuff away and with a couple of draws the new cotton taste was gone. This tank does not miss a beat.
Thank you @KZOR for donating this for the vape meet, please feel free to donate to me anything else of this quality that went under the radar. I do not understand how this did not make it into the mainstream and did not become a favourite. Usually with a new tank you have to find a happy place with it and it takes a little time. Not with this one, it came right straight out of the box. No faffing and fussing, you can't really get it wrong. No leaking, no dry hits. There is a little condensation from the airflow intakes but that happens with all of my bottom airflow tanks and I put this down to my vaping style. Reviewers gave it con after con, I can't fault it, I really can't.
BONUS, in the pack is an RDA cap, when I manage to put the tank down I will do a build for the RDA style and see how that goes. The wicking for this is down into juice wells on the deck so it will be a different style, there is also a squonk pin which will make it even more interesting. I hope you like my humble submission for part one and if you have any comments and questions please feel free to post.

I got this tank from my mate who won a prize at the vape meet. He gave it to me. I had never heard of it before, so google being your friend I asked and was shocked at the first review I watched. This guy hated this tank and I mean he slammed it.
Well he must have been high on black market THC and VIT E because my experience of it has been nothing but positive.
How does it vape ? I have put through more than a dozen tanks of juice since I set it up on Sunday morning and purposely used different flavours. Notwithstanding that I did not like each flavour, the tank performs flawlessly, the vapour production is very good using the aliens that I also got and at 0.14 for the pair. So how does it do this and what is so different ?
Firstly the tank sits on top and the juice is loaded by unscrewing the top cap to reveal a kidney shape port. Inside the tank is what I call the UFO lid which has a number of round holes through which the juice can flow.
The deck is a Velocity style two post four hole with a UFO on top. The UFO has four openings which are effectively your wicking ports. After loading in the coils, you wick them by taking the cotton and placing in the wicking ports upwards. The UFO has a small recess where you cut your cotton to level and dam up the juice flow holes. When the cap and tank is screwed on the UFO lid holes now sit on top of the cotton and allow a gravity feed to the wicks. It's different for sure, it's like an upside down RDTA. A reviewer said he got no flavour, well he must be smoking his socks because this is equal to my Blitzen and Vapefly mesh as far as flavour goes. There are four bottom airflows that allow for good adjustment and with a RDL type draw for me it was punching strong. 810 drip tip , that I normally don't like, but I don't mind this one at all. The draw is really good and with a 4ml tank on top beats the 2ml RDTA gear I have.
NO DRY HITS, well this makes sense, as long as you have juice in the tank, which you can see very well, then gravity will be your friend along with a little positive pressure from the tank then those wicks are fed all the time.
Wicking by the way was easy and by no means as difficult as some reviewers made it out to be. I used no special tools and late last night I took off the tank while still full of juice, did a quick rinse and clean on the deck and rewicked with some Cotton bacon (the first wick was muji). I just turned the whole thing upside down and just using my pointy scissors wicked it like any other tank that has a wicking port. Judging the cotton is easy as you basically just cut it just above flush with the UFO deck and then fluff to make sure the holes are dammed up. It is my usual practice to prime the cotton when I rewick. For shits and giggles this time I did not and was expecting a bit of new cotton taste but I wanted to see how that cotton wicked without being primed. Gotta tell ya, there was no fooling this tank, that cotton wicked by the time I cleaned up and put my stuff away and with a couple of draws the new cotton taste was gone. This tank does not miss a beat.
Thank you @KZOR for donating this for the vape meet, please feel free to donate to me anything else of this quality that went under the radar. I do not understand how this did not make it into the mainstream and did not become a favourite. Usually with a new tank you have to find a happy place with it and it takes a little time. Not with this one, it came right straight out of the box. No faffing and fussing, you can't really get it wrong. No leaking, no dry hits. There is a little condensation from the airflow intakes but that happens with all of my bottom airflow tanks and I put this down to my vaping style. Reviewers gave it con after con, I can't fault it, I really can't.
BONUS, in the pack is an RDA cap, when I manage to put the tank down I will do a build for the RDA style and see how that goes. The wicking for this is down into juice wells on the deck so it will be a different style, there is also a squonk pin which will make it even more interesting. I hope you like my humble submission for part one and if you have any comments and questions please feel free to post.
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