Oneshots - Tobacco Road


Advanced Vaper
Starting this thread to post feedback on a set of tobacco oneshots purchased locally from The Flavour Mill (@TFM).

I couldn't decide which ones to try so took the plunge and grabbed a few in one go. Lots of people have been asking what they are like, so here we will try and give some feedback.

One of the bigger reasons for buying these to try is that lockdown has made me feel like smoking again, 3 years after quitting. They may also come in handy to try and get my bro off the cigs (he doesn't like all the sweet vapey flavours as he calls them) , so hopefully we get winners all round.

Have purchased the following - all ship in 10ml oneshot form, with a suggest mix% of 10 (so you should get 100ml of juice out of each oneshot).
  • Peter Stuyvesant
  • Marlboro Red
  • Marlboro Black Merle
  • Lucky Strike
  • Kent
  • John Player Special
  • Dunhill
  • Chesterfield
  • Camel
  • Benson & Hedges
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Mixed on 25 July, using slightly different mix ratios to what was suggested.
  • Freebase 3mg - mixed at 12%, 70/30 ratio
  • Nicsalt 12mg - mixed at 12% , 55/45 ratio
Steep time listed on vendors site is 1 week- however i like to allow tobacco's to sit for at least 2 weeks before vaping them (i have some other mixes steeping for well 12 months already).

and here they are, all mixed and steeping away.

I must confess- everytime i open the vape cupboard im smacked head-on by aroma's of what i can only relate to an old school tobacconists shop- the ones where you can get the pleasant smell of rich tobacco, sweet but not overpowering.

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how did you know


Location: Edenvale

I’m pretty sure you’ll be much of an age with me since I lived in Springs and started smoking in the ‘80s. It was Chesterfield or nothing back then.
@M.Adhir keen to hear your take on the Cushman tobacco road... EDIT... see its not part of your list.
Mixed the tobacco road Cushman and black cherry one shots yesterday. Have to put it away and forgot about it for 2 weeks. Jus curiou, that photo taken before u capped the bottles or you leave them open like that?
Right then, here we go :

Chesterfield is what the website said.
Chester Filter is what the oneshot bottle said.

So what I was looking for was the old school Toasted 'Chestbusters' as we used to call them back in the day.
Mixed at 70/30, 12% concentrate with 36mg Prime nic at 3mg.
I've also got this mixed in a 12mg salt but am waiting for some pods to arrive to try this in.

6 wrap ni80 2.5mm, 0.4 ohms
Cotton - Royal Wick (the one and only!)
Atty - Skyfall {it's a clone before anyone butchers me} (one of very few attys that I use for tobacco in DL mode).
Mod - Luxotic, codename Old Faithful

Juice has been steeping - 12 days
Colour - a light caramel brown
Finger taste - extra toasted tobacco. Not sweet at all.
Colour on the cotton - Caramel brown as well


Right then. How did it vape?
Off the bat - it's throaty (I wanted this). I get a toasted, very toasted tobacco with the slightest hint of sweetness. It's been a good few years since smoked a real Chestbuster Filter. But I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised that this feels pretty close to memory. The throatiness,the chest heaviness, the over-toasted tobacco flavour.

Its hard to put a finger on this - I'm by no means a reviewer. But to explain this simply- it's quite close to what I was expecting. A proper cigarette type taste with not much sweetness. It has the roughness (probably why I get the throaty sensation) of the namesake cigarette. It's got chest fullness as well, the lungs felt satisfied after a few puffs.

Would I buy it again? Very likely and that's after just a few puffs. At that price it works out to less than R100 for 100ml when mixed.
Would I try it in an RTA? Yes. It shall get Skyline treatment soon.
Is it 'For Everyone'? I don't think so. Unless you're looking for something not very sweet on the palate, and close to cigarettes in taste of course.

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Right then, here we go :

Chesterfield is what the website said.
Chester Filter is what the oneshot bottle said.

So what I was looking for was the old school Toasted 'Chestbusters' as we used to call them back in the day.
Mixed at 70/30, 12% concentrate with 36mg Prime nic at 3mg.
I've also got this mixed in a 12mg salt but am waiting for some pods to arrive to try this in.

6 wrap ni80 2.5mm, 0.4 ohms
Cotton - Royal Wick (the one and only!)
Atty - Skyfall {it's a clone before anyone butchers me} (one of very few attys that I use for tobacco in DL mode).
Mod - Luxotic, codename Old Faithful

Juice has been steeping - 12 days
Colour - a light caramel brown
Finger taste - extra toasted tobacco. Not sweet at all.
Colour on the cotton - Caramel brown as well

View attachment 203312

Right then. How did it vape?
Off the bat - it's throaty (I wanted this). I get a toasted, very toasted tobacco with the slightest hint of sweetness. It's been a good few years since smoked a real Chestbuster Filter. But I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised that this feels pretty close to memory. The throatiness,the chest heaviness, the over-toasted tobacco flavour.

Its hard to put a finger on this - I'm by no means a reviewer. But to explain this simply- it's quite close to what I was expecting. A proper cigarette type taste with not much sweetness. It has the roughness (probably why I get the throaty sensation) of the namesake cigarette. It's got chest fullness as well, the lungs felt satisfied after a few puffs.

Would I buy it again? Very likely and that's after just a few puffs. At that price it works out to less than R100 for 100ml when mixed.
Would I try it in an RTA? Yes. It shall get Skyline treatment soon.
Is it 'For Everyone'? I don't think so. Unless you're looking for something not very sweet on the palate, and close to cigarettes in taste of course.

View attachment 203317

Thanks bro. Nice review.
Looking forward to the others.
Right then, here we go :

Chesterfield is what the website said.
Chester Filter is what the oneshot bottle said.

So what I was looking for was the old school Toasted 'Chestbusters' as we used to call them back in the day.
Mixed at 70/30, 12% concentrate with 36mg Prime nic at 3mg.
I've also got this mixed in a 12mg salt but am waiting for some pods to arrive to try this in.

6 wrap ni80 2.5mm, 0.4 ohms
Cotton - Royal Wick (the one and only!)
Atty - Skyfall {it's a clone before anyone butchers me} (one of very few attys that I use for tobacco in DL mode).
Mod - Luxotic, codename Old Faithful

Juice has been steeping - 12 days
Colour - a light caramel brown
Finger taste - extra toasted tobacco. Not sweet at all.
Colour on the cotton - Caramel brown as well

View attachment 203312

Right then. How did it vape?
Off the bat - it's throaty (I wanted this). I get a toasted, very toasted tobacco with the slightest hint of sweetness. It's been a good few years since smoked a real Chestbuster Filter. But I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised that this feels pretty close to memory. The throatiness,the chest heaviness, the over-toasted tobacco flavour.

Its hard to put a finger on this - I'm by no means a reviewer. But to explain this simply- it's quite close to what I was expecting. A proper cigarette type taste with not much sweetness. It has the roughness (probably why I get the throaty sensation) of the namesake cigarette. It's got chest fullness as well, the lungs felt satisfied after a few puffs.

Would I buy it again? Very likely and that's after just a few puffs. At that price it works out to less than R100 for 100ml when mixed.
Would I try it in an RTA? Yes. It shall get Skyline treatment soon.
Is it 'For Everyone'? I don't think so. Unless you're looking for something not very sweet on the palate, and close to cigarettes in taste of course.

View attachment 203317
Was waiting for someone to review. Great write up. Will add to cart
Absolutely love your review!

Can't wait to hear what you think of the other flavours, keeping an eye out for that.
As a Camel smoker in the past, that's the one I bought. Mixed it at 10% and steeped for 10 days.

This is a strong and heavy tobacco flavour that bears no resemblance to my memory of Camel cigarettes. It's got a deep, dark profile with a slightly bitter base and a touch of aromatic spiciness like a Turkish tobacco. There is a slight smokiness that appears at the end of the exhale. If you ever mixed with FlavourArt's Virginia and Burley you may pick up elements of those flavours in the mix. I also want to add a touch of FLV Connecticut Shade, but that could just be me as I'm sure no company is going to use expensive Flavorah flavours in production!

This isn't a bad juice - if you like stronger tobaccos then you'll probably enjoy it. For me it was a bit too much - I prefer lighter tobaccos or more dessert-style tobaccos (think Cardinal, Solus or Reminiscent) so maybe I'm not the best person to review this :tongueclosed:

That being said, I can imagine it would go great with beer while watching a game of rugby at the bar... whenever that can happen again!

A word of warning though - this flavour lingers for a long time. I had to re-wick my atty afterwards as I could still taste it in the background while vaping other juices, and when I rinse my squonk bottle I still get strong aromas from the juice (it's been nearly a week since I vaped it).

Due to the strength of this juice I will probably use what I have mixed in a pod, as this may reduce the intensity. The next time I mix it I'll maybe do something like 7-8% instead of the 10-12% it recommends.
A word of warning though - this flavour lingers for a long time. I had to re-wick my atty afterwards as I could still taste it in the background while vaping other juices, and when I rinse my squonk bottle I still get strong aromas from the juice (it's been nearly a week since I vaped it).

Have you tried filling the squonk bottle with lemon juice and letting it sit for a while? I've found that this generally removes strong aromas that just don't want to go away.
As a Camel smoker in the past, that's the one I bought. Mixed it at 10% and steeped for 10 days.

This is a strong and heavy tobacco flavour that bears no resemblance to my memory of Camel cigarettes. It's got a deep, dark profile with a slightly bitter base and a touch of aromatic spiciness like a Turkish tobacco. There is a slight smokiness that appears at the end of the exhale. If you ever mixed with FlavourArt's Virginia and Burley you may pick up elements of those flavours in the mix. I also want to add a touch of FLV Connecticut Shade, but that could just be me as I'm sure no company is going to use expensive Flavorah flavours in production!

This isn't a bad juice - if you like stronger tobaccos then you'll probably enjoy it. For me it was a bit too much - I prefer lighter tobaccos or more dessert-style tobaccos (think Cardinal, Solus or Reminiscent) so maybe I'm not the best person to review this :tongueclosed:

That being said, I can imagine it would go great with beer while watching a game of rugby at the bar... whenever that can happen again!

A word of warning though - this flavour lingers for a long time. I had to re-wick my atty afterwards as I could still taste it in the background while vaping other juices, and when I rinse my squonk bottle I still get strong aromas from the juice (it's been nearly a week since I vaped it).

Due to the strength of this juice I will probably use what I have mixed in a pod, as this may reduce the intensity. The next time I mix it I'll maybe do something like 7-8% instead of the 10-12% it recommends.
Sounds like something I may enjoy.