The Ovis Bridge from RAM Mods in Spain! Affiliated with Mod Corporation that makes the Hoko.E Boro Mods! A simple build, and I love how the posts are offset, so installing the coil is a breeze. I guess you can tuck the wick inside or do the Exocet method. I will test both wicking options. Of course, my favourite part is the Kitty Logo! They have a few different options you can choose from as the logo. They give you four airflow pins, and I chose the largest! The airflow is smooth and perfect for me. They also sent me two sets of coils to play with that are suited to boro devices. The coils are high quality but have a bit too much crackle for my liking. @BigGuy would love the coils! I will pop one of my "The One" coils from @charln on the next build! The flavour is great! Another fine bridge to add to the collection!