Item: Pulse AIO Frosted Green for Frosted Blue (Must be upgraded frame)
Age: New (Received 06/10/2022)
Price: Trade
Packaging: Don't have box only packing the warranty claim came in, so you can keep your box etc.
Condition: 10/10
Location: N/A
Reason: Want a blue
Shipping: Both pay for Pudo
Trade mod and doors only (no boxes, drip tips, vessels etc.)
Age: New (Received 06/10/2022)
Price: Trade
Packaging: Don't have box only packing the warranty claim came in, so you can keep your box etc.
Condition: 10/10
Location: N/A
Reason: Want a blue
Shipping: Both pay for Pudo
Trade mod and doors only (no boxes, drip tips, vessels etc.)