Real-time Vapers CT meet and greet fundraiser


Long time vaper
Somerset West
Hi everyone

We would like to invite anyone who can make it to our meet and greet fundraiser next weekend, the 28th of November.

For those that cannot make it you will be able to buy raffle tickets to stand a chance to win an awesome hamper of vape goodies - I will post information on this here as soon as I have it.

A huge thank you to our generous sponsored detailed on the invite for the amazing prizes you have donated.

I look forward to meeting you there!
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Hi all, post updated with raffle details. We will have a number of draws, all worth WAY more than the R50 raffle ticket. There are tons of juices (MTL, Nic salts and free base) , devices, battery chargers, hand crafted coils, batteries, merchandise and more.
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Any of these prizes are well worth a R50 ticket!

*Main Prize* x3
15 Juices (12 Freebase & 3 Nic salts)
1 pod (one of the main prize has 2 batteries)
3 Coils
1 Cotton
1 Prime tshirt
And phone cleaning thingy

*Medium Prize* x4
10 Juices (7 Freebase & 3 Nic salts)
1 Tank
3 Coils
1 Cotton
1 Brush

*Lucky Prize* x10
6 Juices (4 Freebase & 2 Nic Salts)
2 Coils

1 Augvape Druga Foxy Mod
1 Dead Rabbit V2 RTA
1 Nitecore I4 Charger
2 VTC4 Battery
1 Battery Case 4
2 Coils
1 Juice
1 Sunglasses
1 Coffee Mug
1 Bag
We had an awesome day today and raised nearly R10 000 for Rainbow of Hope Orphanage.

There was a great turn out and more than 15 prizes were handed out, one to our own @KZOR, congratulations! Below is a link to a live he did this afternoon detailing his experience with a video of some of the activity.

I'd like to once again thank the sponsors from the bottom of my heart for your contributions which were huge draw card for the event. Your generosity is so appreciated.

IMG_20201128_120118.jpg IMG_20201128_120146.jpg
And the grand prize winner, he was so excited, literally jumping for joy, I wish I had a video!