Rebuilbing Aerotank Coil

Agent X

New Vaper
Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal
Hi guys, i have just did my first coil rebuild of an aerotank coil, and it worked!!!
I followed the steps according to this guide :

and managed to get a 1.8 dual coil running
I used 0.16 kanthal, 2mm silica wick and a used up aerotank coil originally 2.0 ohms.

I used a straight pin to wrap around each coil with the wick and did ten wraps for each coil and neatly fitted it in the aero tank coil holder. used a flavour wick on top and got 1.8 ohms, Happy day :)
nicely done dude. i haven't really tried a dual coil in the aero yet, my normal microcoils seem to work fine for me. will go give that article a read
Hi guys, i have just did my first coil rebuild of an aerotank coil, and it worked!!!
I followed the steps according to this guide :

and managed to get a 1.8 dual coil running
I used 0.16 kanthal, 2mm silica wick and a used up aerotank coil originally 2.0 ohms.

I used a straight pin to wrap around each coil with the wick and did ten wraps for each coil and neatly fitted it in the aero tank coil holder. used a flavour wick on top and got 1.8 ohms, Happy day :)
Awesome, we need pictures next time!
I just rebuild my aerotank mega coil and WOW! Thanks you for this! Saved me abit of cash! This man deserves a medal!
thanks dude, well im gna put up neat tutorials soon, i love to learn and share wat i do learn too, ive learnt alot from this forum, stay here and vaping will become more than just a replacement for cigarettes, it will be a fun filled hobby, trust me
I noticed when I was using the stock coil I was only able to ADV on 8w....After rebuilding my coil to 1.9ohm using 30 gauge Kanthal and organic cotton wool I can now vape at the full 15 watts with no problem. I usually kick it down to round 13/14 though as that is just right for me!