Scottish Roll... mini


Experienced Vaper
Cape Town
Hi all. So i tried the scottish roll wicking method using about a 6cm wide piece of cotton. I removed the "skins" from both sides of the cotton. The coil is a horizontal 2.5mm 24 gauge 5 wrap kanthal coil at 0.4ohms. Im using a subtank mini v1 with enlarged juice channels (used my leatherman metal file to do this). This wicking method blew me away! This thing is chugging juice and I'm getting massive clouds at 27 watts. 2 tanks of 80vg juice finished in one day!
Hi all. So i tried the scottish roll wicking method using about a 6cm wide piece of cotton. I removed the "skins" from both sides of the cotton. The coil is a horizontal 2.5mm 24 gauge 5 wrap kanthal coil at 0.4ohms. Im using a subtank mini v1 with enlarged juice channels (used my leatherman metal file to do this). This wicking method blew me away! This thing is chugging juice and I'm getting massive clouds at 27 watts. 2 tanks of 80vg juice finished in one day!
The Scottish Roll Rocks! :rock:
Yipp, agreed. You don't need to use an entire pad of cotton. I generally use half and it works just as well.
It really irritates me when people waste. Why cut a 30 cm long wire when u only need 10 cm. Why use a whole cotton pad when u only need 6 cm. Lol
Yep, wicks great. Pads isn't always necessary, Kendo/Bacon also works, need to roll tight though.
Hi all. So i tried the scottish roll wicking method using about a 6cm wide piece of cotton. I removed the "skins" from both sides of the cotton. The coil is a horizontal 2.5mm 24 gauge 5 wrap kanthal coil at 0.4ohms. Im using a subtank mini v1 with enlarged juice channels (used my leatherman metal file to do this). This wicking method blew me away! This thing is chugging juice and I'm getting massive clouds at 27 watts. 2 tanks of 80vg juice finished in one day!
@AlphaDog can you send pictures
have you checked youtube?
Jip this morning again seems to me I was cutting cotton to long so I made it shorter but still above 20w I get that burn taste. Maybe I draw to long.
Jip this morning again seems to me I was cutting cotton to long so I made it shorter but still above 20w I get that burn taste. Maybe I draw to long.
or just drill the juice holes bigger. The Toptank holes are small actually smaller than the subtank
Hi all. So i tried the scottish roll wicking method using about a 6cm wide piece of cotton. I removed the "skins" from both sides of the cotton. The coil is a horizontal 2.5mm 24 gauge 5 wrap kanthal coil at 0.4ohms. Im using a subtank mini v1 with enlarged juice channels (used my leatherman metal file to do this). This wicking method blew me away! This thing is chugging juice and I'm getting massive clouds at 27 watts. 2 tanks of 80vg juice finished in one day!
I admit the S.R. is a great innovation that works well, I used it exclusively when it first came out but now I mostly wick my builds conventionally.Nothing against the Roll , I just got lazy.