Rob Fisher ECIGSSA Admin Staff member Administrator VIP FINES MASTER LV 69 Joined 3/2/14 Posts 39,883 Awards 52 Age 69 Location Winston Park, Durbs 8/6/24 #1 Item: SX Mini SL Class V2 Age: 18 months Price: R999 Payment Methods Accepted: Deposit Warranty: None Packaging: Yes Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition: 8/10 Location: Durban Reason: Culling the herd Shipping: The Courier Guy included in the price
Item: SX Mini SL Class V2 Age: 18 months Price: R999 Payment Methods Accepted: Deposit Warranty: None Packaging: Yes Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition: 8/10 Location: Durban Reason: Culling the herd Shipping: The Courier Guy included in the price