Hi Guys,
So as some of you might have seen yesterday I was lucky enough to have received the new UD Simba from Christina @Heaven Gifts for review purposes, and boy am I a happy camper!

The packaging is good, a standard “drawer-styled” box. On opening you get two tiers, on the top is your new tank, with a pre-installed 0.5ohm dual coil. I believe it is kanthal.

The second tier contains a spare glass, spare o-rings, a rebuiladble base (win!), and what I think will be the star of the show, a solid ceramic coil (no cotton), 0,5ohm SS316L. According to the little card in the box, there will be Kanthal and Ni200 options available for this as well. It claims that these coils are “Pro-environment, healthy, filtering impurities and dry-hit prevention for 10 seconds”, so take that information as you wish to! If I'm interpreting this all correctly, it looks as though it will use the same coils as the Goliath.

Initial impressions are good. The first thing interesting thing is that the drip tip has a double-chamber, it turns and one can close and open it, allowing for airflow adjustment in the drip-tip. Initially I thought it would bother me that half of the drip-tip was blocked in it’s fully-open state, but that isn’t the case, it still allows for a decent draw.

It is a top-fill tank, with nice big holes, even gives enough space for allowing me to fill with most of the glass pipettes that come with the juices quite easily (apart from the one juice that came with a truly obnoxiously fat dropper!). Remember to close the juice flow when you are filling it, or else you’re going to end up sad and sticky! Simply grip the base and turn the top of the tank till they are open.

There is a ring that slides onto the bottom of the tank that allows you to adjust the airflow. This has to be my only complaint with regards to the design so far. I personally don’t like turning the bottom as it tends to give my mods that dreaded atty rash. However, in saying that, your mods are bound to get that simply attaching and detaching any atty, and it is just because I haven’t come to terms with that (or because I’m too shallow to buy anything but a black mod), that it bugs me.
Lastly, the RBA base that came with it is the two-post design. I’m not sure why at this point in time the velocity build deck isn’t a industry standard, but maybe it has to do with space I did manage to get a 5.5 wrap 26/32g clapton with a 3mm ID on there, but it wasn’t easy and definitely pushing the space.

So I attached this solid ceramic coil, loaded the tank up with my absolute favourite juice (so that I could pick up subtle differences) which is VM XXX. There weren’t any specific instructions with regards to priming, but obviously we all know it can be hit or miss. I closed the bottom airflow, and gave it about 10 four second pulls and let the tank sit for about an hour. I’m not saying that this is necessary, but it is the way I did it, and when I finally fired it up it was great.
This is my first attempt at the ceramic coils, and I also feel that I could get more out of this coil in TC mode (as it’s SS316L), which I will play with throughout the week. This is why I’m really looking forward to what @Rob Fisher has to say about this tank, but so far I have experienced a very cool and crisp flavor, and great clouds with no dry hits.
I will give the vape that this tank gives a more detailed review after a week, once I have played around with it in wattage and temp modes, but off the bat I must say I’m very excited about this Simba.
Let me know if I have left anything out fellow Forumites!
The SCC Coil
In my original post I mentioned that I was getting some decent clouds and vapour out of the SCC coil (that’s the solid ceramic stainless steel one). However, I found that the tank was getting really hot. I got a recommendation that it should be vaped at 25W – 35W, which was a pretty poor experience for me, minimal flavour and vapour production at that range. I had to crank it up to at least 50W before I started getting decent flavour from it, and at that point the tank started getting hot again.
I’m using XXX which is 60/40 VG/PG as far as I remember, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I’m going to leave it at this, I was impressed with the flavour, but feel that I am missing something with regards to this coil. In order to get a better idea of the ceramic function of this tank it has to go see @Rob Fisher . I know this is the main attraction of this tank and so I'm sending it his way.
This seems to be a dual coil Kanthal (with other options available) with organic cotton, set-up in a little ceramic cup. This thing is great! It is more my speed in terms of flavour and vapour production. I can crank it up to 60W and higher, and it responds exactly how I want it to. Flavour is amazing, had me wishing that the drip tip was some sort of rubber compound that I could chew on, ridiculous! Simply loving this coil at 35W!
RBA Coil
The RBA deck looks pretty straight forward, but it comes with a strange little ceramic/plastic adapter that blocks off half of the base. Firstly it isn’t mentioned in the guide, but I managed to dig it up online. I initially thought that it was some sort of weird packaging, so I pulled it off, and luckily my inability to throw away anything vape-related meant it went back into the box. It seems like its primary function is to block off half of the airflow, so on a single coil build it will only pull air over the area with a coil. As the bottom is plastic and top ceramic, I don’t think juice would be absorbed by the ceramic, so it seems it’s only function is to turn it into a more MTL-orientated tank (Disclaimer: This is just me throwing out huge assumptions!). I haven’t yet got to build and play with this aspect of it, but will do so when it has come back from the Lord of Ceramics (unless he beats me to it!). I'm not big on the ceramic phase, and for me RBA is the only way, because I can't afford to buy new coils all the time. I would push to look at this but I know you all want more on that SCC coil so I will hold off for a bit.
Getting the coils out was strangely a mission for me. It seems that the chimney actually screws onto the coil and then slots into the base, therefore I have a tendency to detach the base, leaving the coils in the chimney, which are a bit of a mission to get out. I also think that is partly why the tank gets as hot as it does. The 510 connector seems to me to be a bit of a strange setup, like it is just a loose pin. Sometimes it moves in slightly and so my mod will enter an error state (at least I think that is what the problem is). Once properly set up it goes like a dream though.
So far I "smaaks this tank stukkend"! Mostly for the solid build quality, and it really does seem to be leak proof. There are one or two things that I would change (the 510 pin mostly), but overall it's going really well.
I will update again once it is back and keep you all updated!
So as some of you might have seen yesterday I was lucky enough to have received the new UD Simba from Christina @Heaven Gifts for review purposes, and boy am I a happy camper!

The packaging is good, a standard “drawer-styled” box. On opening you get two tiers, on the top is your new tank, with a pre-installed 0.5ohm dual coil. I believe it is kanthal.

The second tier contains a spare glass, spare o-rings, a rebuiladble base (win!), and what I think will be the star of the show, a solid ceramic coil (no cotton), 0,5ohm SS316L. According to the little card in the box, there will be Kanthal and Ni200 options available for this as well. It claims that these coils are “Pro-environment, healthy, filtering impurities and dry-hit prevention for 10 seconds”, so take that information as you wish to! If I'm interpreting this all correctly, it looks as though it will use the same coils as the Goliath.

Initial impressions are good. The first thing interesting thing is that the drip tip has a double-chamber, it turns and one can close and open it, allowing for airflow adjustment in the drip-tip. Initially I thought it would bother me that half of the drip-tip was blocked in it’s fully-open state, but that isn’t the case, it still allows for a decent draw.

It is a top-fill tank, with nice big holes, even gives enough space for allowing me to fill with most of the glass pipettes that come with the juices quite easily (apart from the one juice that came with a truly obnoxiously fat dropper!). Remember to close the juice flow when you are filling it, or else you’re going to end up sad and sticky! Simply grip the base and turn the top of the tank till they are open.

There is a ring that slides onto the bottom of the tank that allows you to adjust the airflow. This has to be my only complaint with regards to the design so far. I personally don’t like turning the bottom as it tends to give my mods that dreaded atty rash. However, in saying that, your mods are bound to get that simply attaching and detaching any atty, and it is just because I haven’t come to terms with that (or because I’m too shallow to buy anything but a black mod), that it bugs me.
Lastly, the RBA base that came with it is the two-post design. I’m not sure why at this point in time the velocity build deck isn’t a industry standard, but maybe it has to do with space I did manage to get a 5.5 wrap 26/32g clapton with a 3mm ID on there, but it wasn’t easy and definitely pushing the space.

So I attached this solid ceramic coil, loaded the tank up with my absolute favourite juice (so that I could pick up subtle differences) which is VM XXX. There weren’t any specific instructions with regards to priming, but obviously we all know it can be hit or miss. I closed the bottom airflow, and gave it about 10 four second pulls and let the tank sit for about an hour. I’m not saying that this is necessary, but it is the way I did it, and when I finally fired it up it was great.
This is my first attempt at the ceramic coils, and I also feel that I could get more out of this coil in TC mode (as it’s SS316L), which I will play with throughout the week. This is why I’m really looking forward to what @Rob Fisher has to say about this tank, but so far I have experienced a very cool and crisp flavor, and great clouds with no dry hits.
I will give the vape that this tank gives a more detailed review after a week, once I have played around with it in wattage and temp modes, but off the bat I must say I’m very excited about this Simba.
Let me know if I have left anything out fellow Forumites!
The SCC Coil
In my original post I mentioned that I was getting some decent clouds and vapour out of the SCC coil (that’s the solid ceramic stainless steel one). However, I found that the tank was getting really hot. I got a recommendation that it should be vaped at 25W – 35W, which was a pretty poor experience for me, minimal flavour and vapour production at that range. I had to crank it up to at least 50W before I started getting decent flavour from it, and at that point the tank started getting hot again.
I’m using XXX which is 60/40 VG/PG as far as I remember, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I’m going to leave it at this, I was impressed with the flavour, but feel that I am missing something with regards to this coil. In order to get a better idea of the ceramic function of this tank it has to go see @Rob Fisher . I know this is the main attraction of this tank and so I'm sending it his way.
This seems to be a dual coil Kanthal (with other options available) with organic cotton, set-up in a little ceramic cup. This thing is great! It is more my speed in terms of flavour and vapour production. I can crank it up to 60W and higher, and it responds exactly how I want it to. Flavour is amazing, had me wishing that the drip tip was some sort of rubber compound that I could chew on, ridiculous! Simply loving this coil at 35W!
RBA Coil
The RBA deck looks pretty straight forward, but it comes with a strange little ceramic/plastic adapter that blocks off half of the base. Firstly it isn’t mentioned in the guide, but I managed to dig it up online. I initially thought that it was some sort of weird packaging, so I pulled it off, and luckily my inability to throw away anything vape-related meant it went back into the box. It seems like its primary function is to block off half of the airflow, so on a single coil build it will only pull air over the area with a coil. As the bottom is plastic and top ceramic, I don’t think juice would be absorbed by the ceramic, so it seems it’s only function is to turn it into a more MTL-orientated tank (Disclaimer: This is just me throwing out huge assumptions!). I haven’t yet got to build and play with this aspect of it, but will do so when it has come back from the Lord of Ceramics (unless he beats me to it!). I'm not big on the ceramic phase, and for me RBA is the only way, because I can't afford to buy new coils all the time. I would push to look at this but I know you all want more on that SCC coil so I will hold off for a bit.
Getting the coils out was strangely a mission for me. It seems that the chimney actually screws onto the coil and then slots into the base, therefore I have a tendency to detach the base, leaving the coils in the chimney, which are a bit of a mission to get out. I also think that is partly why the tank gets as hot as it does. The 510 connector seems to me to be a bit of a strange setup, like it is just a loose pin. Sometimes it moves in slightly and so my mod will enter an error state (at least I think that is what the problem is). Once properly set up it goes like a dream though.
So far I "smaaks this tank stukkend"! Mostly for the solid build quality, and it really does seem to be leak proof. There are one or two things that I would change (the 510 pin mostly), but overall it's going really well.
I will update again once it is back and keep you all updated!
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