The War Zone - CBCU vs DHL - Help Required


Owner Vape Decadence
Supporting Vendor
Amanzimtoti, KZN
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

Background - I am VAT Registered, Audited (yup, Pty Ltd), make payments after filling in a Balance of Payments form for the Receiver, and my supplier always states full value on the invoices.

As a result of my honesty policy I expect shipments to fly through Customs Border Control Unit. This does NOT happen.

Shipment 4559486363 via DHL

This was meant to have been delivered on 22 December 2017. I had a few devices I ordered especially for a few of my clients. It was their Christmas Gifts. The shipment is still stuck in CBCU and a war is going on between DHL and Customs.

The Gripe

At the bottom of the packing list is 5 entries (not on the original CI). Those are for:
5 Door Sets (Wrong doors originally sent) - Value $12.50
1 Sapor Tank (Faulty out of the box) - Value $19
50 Vape Bands (A gift from supplier) - Value $7.50
5 Packs Demon Killer Coils (Short delivered prior order) - Value $17.5
10 VGod Coil Feenz (Short delivered prior order) - Value $115

Of those 5 items, 4 were listed as delivered on prior invoices. The gift was not. No value was attached to these items because as mentioned, other than the $7.50 gift, I had already paid for those goods and they had cleared Customs before (even though physically absent), Vat had been paid on them already, and therefore no VAT was anticipated.

So, they requested values. I attached values and sent copies of my previous CI's to show they were part of earlier orders. They wanted packing lists.

Now this is where things get strange. DHL get the packing lists, not me. They come with the shipment. I do have copies of packing lists where I use Air Cargo, but DHL works differently. I did send packing lists of what I had though. They even made me prove that I physically paid for the previous orders. I was being treated like a criminal.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned I have given EVERY single answer I can possibly give.

Given my setup, I am quite sure it is obvious I would not try cheat Customs out of the VAT on a $7.50 gift that I did not even know I was receiving! That was the only item that did not clear Customs before (even though they were left behind in China).

End result, Delivery due 22 December 2017.

No delivery by 21 February 2018.

Phone calls being ignored.
E-mails result in we are doing what we can comments.
DHL Senior staff claim that CBCU counterpart is impossible to talk to.

I am the loser here. I am the one who has paid the supplier, paid DHL, Paid VAT.....

Anyone who can help me? Looking for a friend!
Thank you @Cornelius

I will send you everything I have. Loads of sensitive information in the mails but that will be required I am sure.