Company:Time Bomb Vapors
Product Name:TNT Ice
Reviewer:Rob Fisher
Mod:SX Mini M Class
Watts/Volts:32,8 Watts
Atomiser:Fish Bone Plus Dripper
Coil Resistance:0,48Ω
Wicking Material:Rayon
Price: Unknown - Given to me for review.
Website blurb:A mix of strawberry, apple and peach lightly mentholated.
Reviewer Notes: This juice was given to me for review by @BigB from Vape Decadence.
The vape on this juice is quality... there are those juices that you can immediately taste are smooth and refined and shout quality. This is one of them. I was really pleasantly surprised because I have tasted so many menthol juices and most of them come up short for me. This is a very flavourful menthol juice that can be lung hit... fortunately for me the apple is way in the distance and the strawberry and peach are predominant with just the right amount of menthol...
This one is going into a tank shortly for a longer test... and it may even get into one of my squonkers... if fact I may just go straight to a squonker.
This is a great juice and I'm going to put it into the Lil Pinch Squonker right now...
Similar to: Can't say I have found one that this is similar to...
Avoid if: You don't like menthol.
Product Name:TNT Ice

Reviewer:Rob Fisher
Mod:SX Mini M Class
Watts/Volts:32,8 Watts
Atomiser:Fish Bone Plus Dripper
Coil Resistance:0,48Ω
Wicking Material:Rayon
Price: Unknown - Given to me for review.
Website blurb:A mix of strawberry, apple and peach lightly mentholated.
Reviewer Notes: This juice was given to me for review by @BigB from Vape Decadence.
The vape on this juice is quality... there are those juices that you can immediately taste are smooth and refined and shout quality. This is one of them. I was really pleasantly surprised because I have tasted so many menthol juices and most of them come up short for me. This is a very flavourful menthol juice that can be lung hit... fortunately for me the apple is way in the distance and the strawberry and peach are predominant with just the right amount of menthol...
This one is going into a tank shortly for a longer test... and it may even get into one of my squonkers... if fact I may just go straight to a squonker.
This is a great juice and I'm going to put it into the Lil Pinch Squonker right now...
Similar to: Can't say I have found one that this is similar to...
Avoid if: You don't like menthol.