Age: unknown
Price: R500
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT/Cash
Packaging: Yes, all spares - will add a new coil
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 8/10
Location: Cape Town
Reason: need a phone
Shipping: pudo R50

Item: Dead Rabbit v2 rda
Age: unknown
Price: R200
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT/Cash
Packaging: Yes, no spares (only o rings) - will add new coils
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 7/10
Location: Cape Town
Reason: need a phone
Shipping: pudo R50

Age: unknown
Price: R250
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT/Cash
Packaging: Yes, all spares - will add new coils
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 8/10
Location: Cape Town
Reason: need a phone
Shipping: pudo R50

Item: Blotto Single Coil rta
Age: unknown
Price: R250
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT/Cash
Packaging: Yes, all spares (even both bubble glasses) - will add a new coil
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 8/10
Location: Cape Town
Reason: need a phone
Shipping: pudo R50

Age: Couple months
Price: R500
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT/Cash
Packaging: Yes, all spares - will add new coil to the rba
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 9/10
Location: Cape Town
Reason: need a phone
Shipping: pudo R50

Item: Boxxer v2 rba
Age: unknown
Price: R200
Payment Methods Accepted: EFT/Cash
Packaging: Yes, some spares - will add new coil to the deck
Authentic/Clone: Authentic
Condition: 6/10
Location: Cape Town
Reason: need a phone
Shipping: pudo R50

Take all for R550
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