Vape Regulations in Popular Holiday Destinations

As the UK government introduces new restrictions on the sale and purchase of vapes, it’s crucial for British travelers to understand the vaping laws in their favorite holiday destinations. With countries imposing severe financial penalties and even jail time for violations, being informed can make a significant difference in ensuring a smooth vacation.

Vaping in Top Holiday Spots​


  • Although vaping is not entirely banned in Turkey, the sale of vape kits and e-liquids is illegal due to the lack of successful licensing. Visitors can use their own vapes but should avoid vaping indoors.

  • Smoking and vaping are prohibited on several beaches in Spain. In 2023, the Balearic Islands designated 28 beaches as smoke-free, and all 10 beaches in Barcelona enforce no-smoking and no-vaping policies. Violators, including tourists, may face fines up to €2,000. Spain’s new anti-smoking plan further restricts smoking areas, increases tobacco prices, and clamps down on vaping.

  • The French parliament has voted to ban single-use e-cigarettes, pending government and EU approval. If approved, the ban could be in effect by September 2024.

  • Vaping in Portugal is regulated similarly to smoking under the EU Tobacco Products Directive. It’s banned in all enclosed public spaces, including bars, restaurants, and clubs, with fines up to €750 for violations......